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The history is sordid, beginning when someone calling themselves "killtwoofers" setting up the blog with this profile:


My blogs

About me

The actual blog is quite creatively nasty:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jenny Sparks. Wouldn't it be Great?

Wouldn't it be great to wake up with the following news....

Jenny Sparks found dead. Each of her nipples had been bitten off. Her left eyeball had been removed with a pair of tweezers. Two fingers on each hand, along with two toes on each foot had been cut off with scissors. She layed sprawled out on the floor. Her arms nailed to the floor, crucifiction style. Carved into her torso were the word "DIE TWOOFERS" over and over again. The official cause of death was drowning. Her lips had been superglued together and a continuous flow of water was seeped into her nostrils.

Wouldn't it be great?........

As horrid as this is, it's more bizarre because, frankly, I was a nobody in 911 "truth".   Why would anyone go to the effort?

It got more bizzare when I was accused of actually setting up the blog by Ed, a claim the owners of Screw Loose Change blog would go on to echo, but never substantiated.  Excerpt  from archived comments :


Col. Jenny Sparks said...