Jan 2, 2014

Holocaust Denier Cole infiltrates Republicans for 15 years as "David Stein"

To kick off the new year, let's review a personality who was instrumental in calling attention to the real nature of the 911 truth movement, as a front to organize political racists.

In one of the last acts of the last anti racist 911blogger owner, "reprehensor", was booting a group of Nazi clowns for posting one of David Cole's videos:



Whatever issues I have with Rep, he had the balls to give the Nazi's in Sheep's clothing the boot:

The clincher, though, is that wtcdemoliton accuses this site of racism, when it has linked to a video by notorious holocaust denier David Cole (who has since recanted his views) for months, but has recently taken down the link. All that remains is this echo;

If you bother to track down the URL, you'll find an endorsement of the video by one of the users, "That video is the excellent David Cole doc, but it is kind of unfortunate that the still frame displayed sounds quite you-know-what-o-denial-a-hoax."
Well, that's just fine and dandy. Users of wtcdemolition are not welcome here anymore. Most of them haven't made a positive contribution to the site in a solid year anyhow.

I rebutted Cole's thesis in a thread created at Truthaction, where I graphically proved not only did the Holocaust happen, but anyone saying otherwise has to be pushing a Nazi/racist agenda.  Yet somehow I missed that David Cole had made the news last year, scamming the Republican Party.

The Republicans bloggers--hurt, betrayed, confused-- can't figure out why:


Anyone pushing Holocaust denial is part of an racist agenda.  Historically the right has been more receptive to this message.  This is the reason Ron Paul registered as Republican, not Democrat.   The far radical right in particular likes to use the mainstream "reasonable" right(for a certain value of reason) as a base to launch from.  
It's hard to believe Republicans don't know this.  Yes, racists exist on the left; in times past it was the Democratic party that supported Jim Crow, etc.  But today racists drift through the left, they don't set up shop.

All the Party on the Right animals should expect Cole has been feeding the racist right information about them for...oh,  about 15 years.

Sucks, don't it?  Anyone can be conned.

Meanwhile, the far right "Liberty" militia scammers have taken note, as expected giving Cole backhanded approval:


Holocaust Revisionist David Cole resurfaces 15 years later as GOP Darling 'David Stein'
By Martin Hill
May 24, 2013
Remember David Cole? He was a young Jewish man who became famous for daring to question the official 'holocaust' story in the 1990s. He launched his public notoriety by releasing a video of his trip to Auschwitz, in which he interviewed several employees and filmed his tour of the alleged gas chambers. During his trip he wore his Yarmulke to gain the confidence of his subjects, but in reality Cole was an athiest. The video, available on youtube, has been described as the most effective debunking of the 'holohoax' six-million-gassed myth. Cole also appeared on a number of popular TV talk shows in the 1990's as well, including Donahue, Montel Williams, and the Morton Downey Jr. Show. Many of these interviews and TV appearances are still available on youtube. In 1998, however, David Cole was threatened and disappeared from the public eye forever, never to be seen again. The fact that Cole was purportedly forced underground out of fear for his life was used by some as an ugly illustration of Jewish power and vindictiveness. 

"Alleged gas chambers".  Holocaust in scare quotes.  "Jewish power and vindictiveness".  Uh huh.  Can you be anymore obvious?

The author goes on to hassle Cole's victims on Twitter, yielding this gem:

 I have tweeted to all of the aforementioned, asking them "The Guardian is reporting that you attended events with notorious Holocaust Revisionist David Cole (Stein). Any comments?" So far only comedian Stephen Kruiser has replied. Kruiser, described on his twitter page as having "Entertained US troops all over the world," initially cussed at me, but then explained that he disliked Stein because Stein was "a vindictive, drunk attention whore" who's "almost incapable of telling the truth."

Of course anyone who'd seen his Holocaust "revisionism" would know that already.

Cole is a con artist.  He's perfectly able to see sanity when it suits him.  Take this somewhat amusing article about chemtrails he wrote, re-posted at Free Republic:


Ron Paul Supporters Spray Vinegar at the Sky to Fight “Chemtrails”…I’m Not Kidding
Republican Party Animals ^ | December 26, 2011 | David Stein


So Cole can see reality when he wants to.  Making me personally believe his Holocaust Denial "research" is part of a political agenda.

Honestly I'm surprised Cole isn't a Paulbot; his attitude, outlook and agenda is right up the reactionary racist Libertarian agenda.  Making me wonder who his pals are.

Changing his name and going on with his life would be one thing.

But he changed his name and infiltrated the Hollywood conservative scene.

No one  does that for kicks.   Whatever he was up to, he didn't do it by himself.  Even the guardian notes:
(a handful of close friends knew)

Bets they're connected to the White Power Movement?

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