Jan 6, 2014

By their trolling they shall be known...

Time for a wee retrospective on "trolls" and how they reinforce the 9/11 "truth" scam.      

Recently "videohoax" has become more active at 911blogger as a champion of Glenn Greenwald:

 Really surprising, this is a typical baseless smear job
I've enjoyed Kevin Ryan's work as well as Sibel Edmonds. I watch Corbett's podcast pretty regularly, but recently with this jumping on the band wagon of essentially calling one of the most important journalists we have a shill or somehow working for the enemy has turned me off to almost all of their work. In my eyes it has significantly hurt all of their credibility in the 9/11 truth movement and elsewhere. Nothing in Ryan's article proves anything.
Pretty sad that someone has effectively caused a divide and conquer scenario with one of the best allies we have outside of our 9/11 truth bubble. Greenwald may not be openly for 9/11 truth but the net results of his work have caused a lot of damage to the united states credibility, and ultimately this should be the same goal we all share. Very unfortunate and embarrassing day to consider myself part of the movement.
Last I heard from videohoax was a weird comment they left on one of my articles that we'll examine later:


It was titled:  "Heroes: The Metaphor and Evolution in 911 Activism Part 1"  and can be found here. 

An excerpt for context and tone:
In The Mighty Wurlizer, one of the ways the CIA managed activist groups was to outright fund them. The catch was only a handful of people in these groups were “witting”, that is, knew their funding came from government sources. Today, the more likely source would be a front corporation with a feel good name, like “The Alliance for Social Justice and Stuff”. Its possible that the number of witting people could be increased in this altered model.
So even in your most infiltrated group, most members will not know it. But there will be clues. Witting and invested members( “made men” in the mafia) will always try to cover up problems instead of solving them. They will also be on the front lines to get rid of anyone who comes too close to the operation. They will set up “theater” where some members will fight others to convince the unwitting the group is a random collection of sincere activists. They can make their own internal disputes this way, and have the added advantage of being completely controlled. This sounds a bit abstract; here’s a fictitious scenario showing a possible operation starting in usenet and moving to real life and back to usnet...
This was written before I understood the "truth" movement was a right-wing front and scam.  But the techniques are still used, because scammers of all sorts use these techniques.

This article was received lukewarmly, though the future owner of the website was supportive.  Even encouraging(ironic considering the latest turn of events):
 I've been following this.
I noticed last week they introduced the concept of RFID chips implanted in people. Hiro and his friend Ando each had them and Ando had his forcibly put in against his will, but was assured he'd not regret it. I'm wondering what way this show is going to go. I shouldn't be surprised really if NBC or GE is airing it. Glad to see you analyzing this aspect of our pop culture though Colonel. Keep it up.
Submitted by Orangutan. on Mon, 02/09/2009 - 1:33pm
"Keep it up"?  Surely he regrets those rash words now....

Then "videohoax" pops up to lead with this nonsensical bit:

 i feel sorry for whoever
i feel sorry for whoever read that rant!
Passive aggressive much?

Videohoax did't always leave such comments.  They used to sound quite civil:


yeah i loved it
just got my copy in the mail yesterday. I was very impressed by how effective it was without mentioning demolition, wargames, or fake hijackers. I think this is the best 911 truth movie ive seen since Loose Change 2.
Still waiting for my copy of improbable collapse, its been over a month and i still have not recieved it in the mail.
on bergers website it says it should already be out technically, who did you hear this from? I wish i would have made it out to the oakland showing, i live in fremont but luckily my copy arrived in the mail on the same night.
That includes the time s/he took to comment on a 1000+ word document . Either they were sent a copy to read, or they came with an agenda to leave a dismissive comment because of the author, hoping to demoralize or discourage them.

The irony is, had these clowns used this tactic in late 2007, it might have sorta worked.  Instead they used the rightwing-cult-scare tactics of video stalking and intimidation...guaranteeing people like me wouldn't leave until they knew exactly who was doing this shit.  If it had been the governement, I would be sitting on a nice fat settlement right now.

But it's not the government.  It's a cluster of fringe conspiracy frauds terrified of being caught.  As they should be.  Because I frankly don't care where the fat settlement  check comes from.

Final note of "videohoaxs" return:  they post less than 15 mins after a comment about cult leader Webster Tarpley and don't blink an eye:

 Tarpley has been saying this for months...
Tarpley sums up how to tell a limited hangout operation in his latest World Crisis Radio broadcast...
- The "whistleblower" has a "Damascus Road conversion"
- Nothing new is revealed
- Nothing is revealed about the big covert ops (like 9-11)
- No politician gets canned
- The "whistleblower" becomes an immediate media darling while real whistleblowers struggle to get noticed...
...listen at http://tarpley.net/world-crisis-radio/

Videohoax knows which side his bread is buttered on.

[Edit:  it's come to my attention some funny editing is going in in that thread.  Now "videohoax" has a comment addressing this one:

yes the same Tarpley who said
yes the same Tarpley who said that Cosmos and Jim Hoffman were basically both government agents with absolutely no evidence (they called out Tarpley for his signed petition scandal) during a 9/11 truth conference.

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