Perhaps more exciting than the Sandy Hook Hoax scam. Because this year, assuming the "truth" scammers carry on being as dense as a ton of retarded bricks, everything I know about the "Truth" scam goes public.
Not all at once. And not necessarily in every detail here. But it will be found in many places.
The fact is for the last couple of years I've been leaking information to journalists and anti racist groups, usually anonymously. Que accusations of being a government agent, probably of Jewish extraction. Yawn.
First lesson girls and boys: there are no government agents in the 9/11 "Truth" movement. That is a scare tactic to keep you entangled in circular he-said/she-said conflicts. It also discourages people from reporting the most egregious and sometimes criminal behavior they witness or are targeted with: if you believe its an "agent" they think they'll play into the agent's hand. Take a deep breath, exhale....and report it however appropriate(dial 911, email the hosting provider, file a complaint to their email service, etc). The person screwing with you is not an agent. They are either a conman/conwoman or some one just as manipulated and confused as you.
Aside for "debunkers" thinking they are "fighting the terrorists" by trolling or engaging "truthers"(as opposed to debunkers simply refuting "theories"): There are as many Al Qaida terrorists in the "truth" movement as there are government agents. In other words, none.
To be accurate, I should say nearly none to both of those cases. I'm sure there are a handful of feds monitoring the right wing militia wackos who litter the movement. And terrorist sympathizers would find "truther" propaganda useful. But this is not the point of the "movement". The 9/11 truth Movement is a front to politically organize the radical and racist far right.
But, of course, they can't lead with that slogan:
"Wanted: White People committed to blaming Jews for 9/11 to vote for Ron Paul"To sell it to a wide base, it has to be couched in anti war, leftist rhetoric. This was easy during the Iraq war under Bush. A bit harder under Obama, him being a black man, and thus offending the core racist base. Ergo the move, spearheaded by Larouche, to claim Obama was as bad as Bush.
The problem with using left political rhetoric, slogans and ideas is, um...well, the obvious: they set themselves up to get leftists interested in what they had to say. And if they set up their con well(and for several years they did), those leftists are going to get involved and expect them to walk the lefty anti-racist talk. And they'll be very unhappy when the movement "leaders" refuse to denounce, and kick out the racists(Barrett, Fetzer, Bollyn, Thorn, Dice, Tarpley, etc, ad nausum).
Someone didn't think that one through.
Is this arrogance? Stupidity? Some individuals actually believed they had a chance of "tricking" people into accepting Holocaust Denial, just to keep their support for a little longer. Really.
Okay, while I know these people are running a con, this is also indicative of a severe breakdown in rational thinking processes. It would be like me befriending a Hammerskin racist(which would never happen because my "mutt" genes are obvious, but go with it a mo), pretending to share his values, then, after several months, suggesting he listen to MLK's "I have a Dream" speech with an open mind....and expecting positive results. I would never be so delusional to think this would work.
Yet "truther" manipulators are that delusional. Statistically I don't see how a mass of people can ALL have this basic personality defect; my working theory is they start off with mild disordered thought processes, and their association with crazies gives them a grandiose sense of entitlement and invincibility. This certainly describes leading personalities like Fetzer and Barrett.
Leading to lesson number two: If you joined the "truth" movement believing in anti war work and believe the "movement" can help with that, you are wrong. The "truth" movement is a right-wing front.
If you think you can "save" it, you are still wrong. There is nothing to save. More importantly, there is no base to work from. The leftist conned into it, like moi, have bailed. Everyone remaining is either still conned or a con artist. The numbers are grim. Polling from my personal experience only 25% of the people I got to know well are NOT con artists. Expanding my unscientific sampling to include people I encountered in the movement, that number drops down to 10%. Meaning 90% of people I have personally observed in the movement are either scammers or so completely brainwashed by them as to make no difference. In short, your efforts are doomed(Someone please tell Jon Gold). Whatever valid criticisms exist about how Bush handled the 9/11 attacks, the "9/11 Movement" is never going to make a difference. I plan a separate blog on this subject.
Lesson three: By their propaganda, they will be known. These are common debate tactics used by scammers to refute complaints made about objectionable subjects:
Holocaust denial/revisionism: "Free speech! Thought police! "Translation: we feel entitled to promote Jew hating propaganda. Also an attempt to shame/confuse member into thinking free speech means they can say anything the want.
Any of these manipulations are a sign of a far right-wing ideology at work trying to pass itself off as something more acceptable to leftists and the mainstream. In other words, its the sign of a CON.
Antisemitism: "But the Palestinians!"
Translation: cynical exploitation of the Palestinian struggle to excuse spreading Antisemitism
Right-wing spin: "There is no right or left"
Translation: Libertarian ideology to mask their EXTREME right wing agenda. A certain sign of a RIGHT-WING Libertarian or an unsophisticated person conned by the ideology.
Lesson Four: the so called leaders( I mean people who created the theories and make money off them) are delusional. All con artists have a certain amount of grandiosity; otherwise they wouldn't think they'd get away with cons. But most are connected enough with reality to know their limits. The 911 "Truth" leaders delusional grandiosity has grown to a point IMHO nothing less than intervention from the feds on fraud charges will stop them.(Or a good criminal conviction). Hopefully, with more education and exposure, their funding will dry up. Or they will be forced to rely more and more on illegal sources that will attract the attention of law enforcement.
Delusion comes in many forms. One of which is believing there will be no consequences. Alas, this is not so. An anomaly of the 9/11 Truth Movement political scam was moving in 2005-2006 to organize via the Internet and exploit the medium to attack ANYONE who questioned their strategy and goals. Whole lists, now deleted for TOU violations or worse, are gone; others deleted to hide the premeditated malicious nature of these organizations. I don't know if any political organization before or since has tried to exploit the Internet medium to punish people in their own groups that did not "play ball". This is distinct from hounding public elected figures. These people, most members of the American Patriot Friends Network, made it a mission to hound anyone who joined their groups(thanks to their own fake lefty propaganda, I might add) and had the slightest disagreement.
It seems the theory was the Internet was a great tool for bullying people out of the group because the material could be found by Internet searches. And that's great short term planning for harassment.
Good long term planning? Not so much. Because by using a short term harassment strategy to spread lies across the Internet to make the person go away, they created a situation where in the long term the person will have no choice but to address the lies in question...because the lies are still there.
See: the existence of this blog.
For the last several years reasonable attempts have been made to resolve issues with certain 911 scammers. Here's one made 8 hours ago. I'll delete it if I learn "Killtown" has actually deleted that blog post(do not hold breath):
Because they refused to cooperate, this blog was conceived. A couple of cases are in progress and might be resolved. Those subjects I'll hold off covering until I'm sure there is no hope of resolution.
Meanwhile, "truther" scammers beware.
Everyone else, Happy New Year and Allons-y!
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