Jan 18, 2014

Revleft: A real anarchist's perspective on the 9/11 "Truth" Movement

This isn't 100% correct, but very close, and much closer than many so called "debunkers" have come.  They get the tactic of wooing the left with deceptive propaganda correct(highlighted in red). They're less informed on the exact source from the far right and it's top players.  But then neither was I at one time. Alex Jones and David Icke are players, but they're more of the profit mongering/sell DVD's get rich scammers. It's the Larouche/Ron Paul/Libertarian/Racist Militant/Tea Party who drove the "truth" machine as a political vehicle. 

Still, very good insights.

Also an indirect clue the so called "anarchists" pushing 911 Truth at the time were phoneys;  one of their associates is registered at this board, and no one, I do mean not one of the con-artists, has ever referred to this article, not even in a " Hey guys! look at this disinfo!"  way.

Perhaps an indication they would prefer the idea the "Truth" movement is a con not to get any play.....

Good luck with that.

The whole 9/11 truth movement

14th February 2008, 22:45

I posted this on another board and I think it's a good read for here. This is basically me showing what the true plans of the whole 9/11 truth movement is about and the trick they're trying to play on people. I think it's a good analysis and the next time we get people here saying "OMG look at building 7" or anything of the type, this could be a good response, especially for those people who believe in these conspiracy theories and who have left-leaning thinking.
Plus when one does research on the movement and it's leaders, one sees that this is a trick by the ultra-right free-market libertarians to try to trick people (who otherwise wouldn't) into supporting their cause.
I'll explain.

The leaders of these 9/11 truth movements themselves are also believers of something they call the "NWO" or the "New World Order", and they're not talking about a new world order in a metaphoric sense, but they're talking about it in a literal sense. They literally believe that a powerful secret group has been planning (for over 100 year according to them) to take over the world and that, "both the U.S. and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the U.S. government would betray the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order managed by a 'one-world socialist government." That quote is by Robert Welch Jr., the founder of the John Birch Society (a far-right conservative group who started these conspiracy theories, I'll get back to them later).

These people honestly believe that there is a "NWO" that will make a one world government and that it it force collectivism and socialism down our throats. They claim that the U.N. is one of those organizations. They claim that all major figures in world history from Karl Marx to Woodrow Wilson to Hitler to Noam Chomsky are all in on it. Also they believe that black helicopters are flying all over the world right now, planning to implement their plans of world domination (NoamChomsky made fun of these "black helicopters" claim once in a speech I heard on youtube).

All these conspiracy theories come from an old U.S. political organization called the John Birch Society. This organization is a far-right free-market libertarian organization. They've hated all the U.S. presidents (both Democrats and Republicans), considering them all part of the "NWO" conspiracy. Many of the people from this portion of the right wing is not even liked very much by the ruling class. These people sort of knew that it would be very hard to get the people of the United States of America to believe them in their causes. In the 90's, they had the support of the right-wing militia movements of the "angry white men" but other than that, they could get no more support. Nor did the far-right people in general get the support they have hoped for. Then 9/11 happened.

Being consistent, they pushed the claims that Bush and company where behind 9/11. These far right people where against the "war on terror" from the beginning and they've been against most wars of the past but not for the humanitarian reason, but because wars force the state to spend more and increase and that they believe their "NWO" conspiracies.

A good portion of the people in the U.S. were against the war and against all the mayhem Bush was creating. This is when the whole "Bush did 9/11" thing started getting popular. These far-right free-market libertarians pushed the whole "Bush did 9/11" and they pushed for an end of all U.S. foreign intervention. The far-right started to ride the wave of legit anti-Bush sentiments, pushing only the points that "Bush was behind 9/11" and that "all the wars should end". BUT THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT THEIR ALTERNATIVES (which is what Chomsky pointed out), WHICH ARE FREE-MARKETS, AND VERY ANTI-LABOR AND MANY TIMES, ANTI-SEMITIC. These same people who lead and are behind the 9/11 movements are so far-right that the current ruling class thinks they're a joke. Lets take a look at some of these people:

Alex Jones: He's probably the leader in this whole 9/11 movement. This guy is a free market pusher. He hates Bush, but he's from the right of Bush (scary no??). He has pushed this "NWO" theory. He claims Communism, Socialism and Anarchism are just conspiracies, funded by wall street to create chaos so that the conditions can occur for the "NWO" to take over. He interviewed Noam Chomsky once and after the interview, Jones (like a coward, not being able to say it to Chomsky's face) called Chomsky an "NWO shill" (meaning that Chomsky is supposedly a part of the "NWO"). I think we all know how ridiclous that sounds.

David Icke: This is a big name in the 9/11 truth movement. He claims that the VERY anti-semitic writing, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, reveals a plan for the "NWO" to rule the world. This is very anti-semitic. He claims that every important world leaders in history were and are reptilian humanoids (aliens). According to him, every big world leader is a reptile alien, from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. He's had a history with the white militias of the 90's.

Robert M. Bowman: He was a former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. He has pushed that Bush was behind 9/11. He was also campaigned nationwide for the nomination of the Reform Party of the United States of America for President of the United States. This is the same party that had the ethnocentric Pat Buchanan as their candidate.

Steven E. Jones: This is the famous physics professor that has helped fueled the whole WTC 7 thing. He actually supported George W. Bush before 9/11 and he has had a history with the republican party.

Morgan Reynolds: He was the chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001–2002, George W. Bush's first term. He has also been big in the 9/11 movement. Before the 9/11 truth thing, he claimed that labor unions exacerbates unemployment and inflation. He has been HUGE in anti-labor thinking, blaming unions for everything. He hates labor regulation, and he has pushed the U.S. to move to a completely free-market and to reject labor movements.

Notice how these leaders of the 9/11 movement are mainly far-right free-market lovers and what they're doing is they're riding the anti-Bush sentiments to try to gain power so that they can establish their far-right domestic policies (free-markets, anti-labor laws, "states-rights", etc) behind people's backs. These 9/11 leaders don't want to talk about their alternatives, because such alternatives are not what poor and working people would support.

It looks like the trick is working. Many people with left-leanings are falling for joining and supporting this whole truth movement. This is why Ron Paul became so popular over the internet, gaining support from people with left-leaning politics. This movement only wants to sneak in their free-market, small government, anti-labor policies and they use such things (anti-Bush feelings, 9/11, anti-war, etc) to gain support from factions they wouldn't otherwise get.

"It looks like the trick is working. Many people with left-leanings are falling for joining and supporting this whole truth movement"

Well, it worked for a while.  Then it stopped working. 

Better late than never.

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