What isn't a joke is the actual blog, "Killtwoofers", published by a regular reader of Screw Loose Change, in early 2007.
Currently Google has this to say about the blog:
This blog is in violation of Blogger's Terms of Service and is open to authors only
If you are an author of this blog, tell us who you are! Sign in using yourAccount.
The history is sordid, beginning when someone calling themselves "killtwoofers" setting up the blog with this profile:
As horrid as this is, it's more bizarre because, frankly, I was a nobody in 911 "truth". Why would anyone go to the effort?
It got more bizzare when I was accused of actually setting up the blog by Ed, a claim the owners of Screw Loose Change blog would go on to echo, but never substantiated. Excerpt from archived comments :
The actual blog is quite creatively nasty:killtwoofers
My blogs
About me
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Jenny Sparks. Wouldn't it be Great?
Wouldn't it be great to wake up with the following news....
Jenny Sparks found dead. Each of her nipples had been bitten off. Her left eyeball had been removed with a pair of tweezers. Two fingers on each hand, along with two toes on each foot had been cut off with scissors. She layed sprawled out on the floor. Her arms nailed to the floor, crucifiction style. Carved into her torso were the word "DIE TWOOFERS" over and over again. The official cause of death was drowning. Her lips had been superglued together and a continuous flow of water was seeped into her nostrils.
Wouldn't it be great?........
As horrid as this is, it's more bizarre because, frankly, I was a nobody in 911 "truth". Why would anyone go to the effort?
It got more bizzare when I was accused of actually setting up the blog by Ed, a claim the owners of Screw Loose Change blog would go on to echo, but never substantiated. Excerpt from archived comments :
Col. Jenny Sparks said...
Got to tell the mates about this!
You know, your Screw Loose chums won't thank you for enabling my ego...
BTW--I power-lift and am stronger than many men my size. I am also a veteran and a martial artist. For accuracy, in future, any murder fantasies you have about me should involve firearms--used at a distance, aiming to kill.
Just a helpful reminder, sunbeam.
So who's sock are you, anyway?
It's your own? Do you mean that you set it up?
- is that possible?
- Stephen said...
- Great blog Jenny
- Sword of Truth said...
- This is what... your SIXTH sock puppet Jenny?
Isn't it kinda funny how the holocaust deniers and raging psychos never took SLCs side until you showed up?
- As usual, the little debunks are behind the curve---go to
911Blogger--where Our Jimbo admits he's got this wanker's IP--and
therefore KNOWS it's NOT me.
Hows them apples?
- Ed said...
- If each individual human being were strictly bound to one IP
address and one IP address only then perhaps your argument would be more
compelling. “Commander Jenny Spark” and “Killtwoofers” may very well
have different IP addresses, but that hardly prevents them from being
the same person.
- Get ready to each a plate of crow, bitches:
>>>Seems the Screw Loosers think I did this for some archane reason. So, this leaves Jenny with no choice but to file a formal complaint with Google/ Blogger, with a request to track "killtwoofers" IP address.
And I will be archiving and blogging our correspondence at my blogspot blog.
And then I will will look forward to the MASSIVE plate of CROW I get to feed the debunks in future.
To be continued...
Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.<<<
- Ed said...
- As I’ve already pointed out, even if “Commander Jenny Spark” and
“Killtwoofers” have different IP addresses, that hardly prevents them
from being the same person. Setting up a fake blog under a different IP
address form your usual one would have been a trivial undertaking.
Furthermore, the fact that we suspect you might have created this blog yourself means that we don’t have much trust in what you say or what you post. Given this lack of trust, and since this supposed correspondence between Google and yourself will be posted by you on your blog, why would we assume it to be genuine?
- Ed said...
- Also, even if Google were to indulge this request to trace the IP
address (which seems unlikely) and even if they were to turn it over to
you once they had done so (even less likely) and even if we trusted you
to faithfully relay the results of this trace to us (which we don’t) what would it prove?
You can enter [an IP address] into a "reverse lookup" service -- there's one at zoneedit.com/lookup.html -- and find out who owns it. In my example, the answer is Google, and the lookup provides a postal address in Mountain View, California. However, in most cases, the number will be one of a large block assigned to an internet service provider (ISP) such as BT, and knowing BT's address is not much help. You would need to look up BT's logs to find out who was using a particular IP address at a particular time, then look up BT's customer records to find the user's postal address. ISP's don't make this sort of information generally available.
- Hmm, Ed--and as I'VE already said, at this rate, you're basically
arguing that a debunk can LIE about me and,no matter what proof I get,
YOU'LL NEVER belive me.
Well, I just can't argue with logic like that. ;-P
So, what's your interest, Ed? Why do you NOT want me to talk to Google? Or do you now see that the fact I'm willing and eager to work with them--and they DO have the means to sort this--blows a hole in your "theory"?
Let's take a look at YOUR profile--but before I go, I'll remind the lot you of B.J. Edwards--a debunk with a PROVEN record of socks--which got him BANNED at 911Blogger.
Is "killtwoofers" B.J.Edwards? And what about YOU "Ed"--Ed=Edwards?
- Ed said...
- Is "killtwoofers" B.J.Edwards? And what about YOU "Ed"--Ed=Edwards?
That's why you're a conspiracy theorist! I'm more than happy for you to approach Google. But anyway, I reply to your other thoughts here:
- Ed said...
- Fixed!
- Ed said...
- Go to the other thread. Let's not discuss this in two places at once.
- Get bent, "eddie".
Or better yet, why don't YOU come over to 911Blogger?
I notice how you haven't challenged the logical fallicies of the Screw Losers for assuming I did this so called "blog".
Yep , there's that double standard--because as far as ANY reason to believe I've done this--or in the ravings of Sword of Twoof-"six" blogs(not only do I have NO idea what he's on about, but I have NO idea where that figure comes from)--your side has BUGGER ALL as evidence.
You know, this was all a laugh, in a twisted macabre way--I get great amusment from people who think this shite bothers me. But then you lot tried to stick it on me. Whole different game now.
You debunks REALLY want to push this and turn our little scirmish from a cold war to a hot one? Remember what happened with that "thing"?
BTW: please give a logical reason why someone would make the statement "What are the odds he has a Portland area IP address?"
Among other things, why would James say "he" if he really thinks it's me?
Oh yeah, and why do YOU care again, sunbeam?
As for you, "killtwoofers"---you better stay small and quiet, bitch.
- Not so clever now, are you, our Eddie?
And you're a bit of a coward, I see...
I just noticed you were the first tosser to try to pin this on me.
Perhaps you could give your LOGICAL explaination for this.
Unless you're chicken. Cluck, cluck.
- Ed said...
- Go to the other thread. Let's not discuss this in two places at once.
Civilized Worm said...
Well, CW had a point. Except that the accusations might not be entirely baseless.
Since, a request for the ISP information of "killtwoofers" has been made, but the parties seem reluctant to cooperate. Now knowing the entire gig is a fraud, I've gone over exactly what certain debunkers said and have pieced together some facts:
1. SLC blog traffic records have "Killtwoofers" ISP info
2. This info at first appeared to match traffic from my location(s)
3. ISP traffic never again matched, implying a one off use from a non proxy account
4. The conartist pretending to be my friend at the time, privately advised me to tone down the denial, suggesting it might make people believe I actually did do it.
5. The blog owners of SLC, where the first link was published, have been less than honest about the order of events at the time.
6. Nor are they willing to release "killtwoofers" ISP traffic, even though they know by now is was not me and I've been sharing information about these frauds with the FBI.
My working hypothesis is one of the sleazy scammers, possibly a fake friend or associate, is "killtwoofers". The pattern seems to match other provocation /mind fuck attempts:
1. initial outrage, sympathy and shock
2. attempts to blame the target
3. when target fails to respond as expected or refuses to be "guided", try to dismiss, move on, pretend it didn't happen
The last step is the clue: because if the target is determined to uncover the source, the con artists are screwed.
Well, at this point they're all screwed. I don't think the blog owners of SLC set it up, but it's possible someone they know did. OTOH, if they are correct that is was from an ISP I used, then I know with 95% certainty who it was, and that is really, really bad. It would prove a deliberate con, or rather, confirm the existing mountain of evidence proving a deliberate con.
But let's look at Eddie, the first person who suggested I made the blog. He appears to have moved on:
He did have an interesting blog, that briefly touched on the targets of the "truther" scam in exactly the same why the SLC blogs owners avoid like the plague(relevant text bold) :Ed
My blogs
About me
Gender Male Location Spain
Monbiot on Moonbats: Screw Loose Change
February 20th, 2007
I seem to take something of a guilty pleasure in the anatomical study of conspiracy theories. Maybe it’s because their proponents espouse phenomenological explanations that are, shall we say, unnecessarily intricate. William of Occam would be turning in his grave. So much so that perhaps “turning” isn’t even the right word. He’d be performing rapid summersaults like a particularly ill-managed foosball mannequin. Any trace of reason or epistemological sobriety being expelled in dark trails by the overwhelming centrifugal forces. Apropos the vehicle for this gratuitously macabre metaphor, George Monbiot has written a couple of good articles in the Guardian this month. “A 9/11 Conspiracy Virus is Sweeping the World” where he takes conspiracy documentary Loose Change to task and the perhaps marginally more resolute “9/11 Fantasists Pose a Mortal Danger to Popular Oppositional Campaigns” from todays edition. Here’s a bit from the former:
There is a virus sweeping the world. It infects opponents of the Bush government, sucks their brains out through their eyes and turns them into gibbering idiots. First cultivated in a laboratory in the US, the strain reached these shores a few months ago. In the past fortnight, it has become an epidemic. Scarcely a day now passes without someone possessed by this sickness, eyes rolling, lips flecked with foam, trying to infect me. The disease is called Loose Change.And the latter:
“You did this hit piece because your corporate masters instructed you to. You are a controlled asset of the new world order … bought and paid for.” “Everyone has some skeleton in the cupboard. How else would MI5 and special branch recruit agents?” “Shill, traitor, sleeper”, “leftwing gatekeeper”, “accessory after the fact”, “political whore of the biggest conspiracy of them all”.Those last few paragraphs perhaps betray sympathy with Maddox’s view of the matter; but for less glib accounts of what’s wrong with the conspiracy theories “The 9/11 Truth Movement in Perspective” from Skeptic Magazine and “Debunking the 9/11 Myths” from Popular Mechanics are actually really interesting in themselves.
These are a few of the measured responses to my article, a fortnight ago, about the film Loose Change, which maintains that the United States government destroyed the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Having spent years building up my leftwing credibility on behalf of my paymasters in MI5, I’ve blown it. I overplayed my hand, and have been exposed, like Bush and Cheney, by a bunch of kids with laptops. My handlers are furious.
Stay mental, yeah?
P.S: I have to admit to blatantly nicking the subtitle of this post from the Screw Loose Change website. I couldn’t resist. It works on two levels!Posted by Ed
Apart from his "Jenny did it" bandwagon 'Sode, Ed seems to be reasonable and not under the thrall of extremist right-wing crap. Ed's blog is, ironically titled:
I Might Be Wrong
Yes, yes he was.
He was also wrong about how IP's work. Google doesn't need to trace a user's IP address. Google KNOWS. As does Facebook, Youtube, etc. And as we can see from the blog being hidden, Google does care.
But it is odd Eddie didn't cotton on that Google KNOWS. Ed's right they might not share without a court order, but they do KNOW. And they would know over the course of a week-ish:
-the IP KT set up the account at
-the IP KT used to post at SLC
-the IP KT used to publish the blog.
If KT used the same ISP for all, then there was no way to confuse it with my traffic.
If KT used the same ISP as myself even once, then I know exactly who it is.
If KT was simply posting around the same time I was, and knew I was online, they are know to me, though not necessarily in the same city.
I have all the lyng scammers ISP info from that time archived. I just need a comparison sample. Why people are protecting KT is a mystery.
Interesting, the initials of KillTwoofers is the same as Craig Lazo's screen name KillTown.
Fortunately for Lazo(who has enough problems to be going on with), the writing style is completely different from his or his ex's. One of Lazo's charms is his inability to write in any style besides "snide passive aggressive whiny know it all". (His ex is much the same, with bitchy jabs). Otherwise he'd be the prime suspect.
For the record...it won't end well.
Note: my browser implies "crucifiction" is not a word in British or American English.
(Note, however, that crucifiction is simply an error in either form of English; crucifixion is the correct spelling.)
It is however a common misspelling and a neologism on one website.
Another word spellcheck isn't happy with is "layed", properly spelled "laid".
This probably eliminates at least two people from composing this crap. However, it doesn't mean they didn't publish it.
Update: July 2014
This in no way lets the SLC duo off the hook, but someone with the same handle was spamming the Loose Change forums in 2008:
I'd just like to point out that these "debunkers" resort to some really sad tactics many times. Tonight(Christmas evening by the way), we've been repeatedly spammed by the same loser with about 5 different socks demanding evidence of an inside job. (His names were: manny, peterpiper, Bond BPA, and jason mcdonald)This may or may not be the same person. If not, it's a copy cat. Isp information has been published, but is to be taken with a grain of salt. These are the same people who gave aid and comfort to Craig Lazo friends, their insane theories and allowed them to run amok for years making shite up about Val McClatchey and Susan Jovin.
Anybody care to know what one of his phoney email addresses was?
Hmm, now who other than our beloved pals over at JREF likes to use the word, "twoofer" to describe those of us who refuse to believe EVERYTHING the government tells us?
On behalf of the truth, I say Merry Christmas to you precious silly-heads over at JWEF.
This IP is indeed Suddenlink and is based in West Virginia:
It must be really sad to have no life and to be doing such things on Christmas day.
And those JREFers say we are violent.
I think one of theirs just went "over the edge".
In any event, since this is a death threat, it has been forwarded to the proper authorities, as well as Suddenlink communications... The owner of that IP.
Edit to add - Perhaps Chillzero would be so kind as to cross reference the info from the above pic with the user database there ?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Edited by JFK, Dec 26 2008, 09:25 AM.
IP: indicates, if the SLC duo aren't lying about the Portland ip address, that it's a copycat. Or the account was used by more than one person.
Decimal: 1265435515
Hostname: 75-109-3-123.krmtcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net
ISP: Suddenlink Communications
Organization: Suddenlink Communications
Services: None detected
Type: Broadband
Assignment: Dynamic IP
Geolocation Information
Country: United States
State/Region: West Virginia
But there is another explanation that fits the facts, but would be very, very bad for the two people trying to frame me for the blog... because it would mean one or both of them knew from the beginning who it was. And that is both deliberate and actionable.
Update: an hour later:
After checking ISP traffic records, it does appear this "killtwoofers" is actually Troy from West Virginia. Visited commentary about himself from a similar Suddenlink dynamic IP address(es) in September and October of 2009:
Suddenlink Communications nature of dynamic IPs is an exact match is unlikely. Unhappily for "Killtwoofers" the ISP can confirm records at the time.
See what happens when emails are ignored?
Mind, this doesn't clear up the identity of the original "killtwoofers". I'm assuming at least one of the SLC duo is not lying. Otherwise why be cagey about it if they knew it was Troy all along? And why would the conartist sleaze try to downplay it?
Actually that one is obvious: the tone of the blog is rife with "issues" the con artist sleaze brought up herself in private conversations. Making the question of why would this even occur to Troy unless someone fed him content?
It's not his usual M.O. But the writing style is plausible. And we all know he's capable of it.
But my jury is out until I have the ISP info requested. Given the length of time, about a year, from the first 'Sode, the second Killtwoofers could be part of a clean up operation to protect the first one.
Eventually it'll all come out in the wash.