May 29, 2014

Plagiarists for 9/11 Truth

Raw Story and the Village Voice reported a  sneaky propaganda attempt by the Architects Group to brainwash, er, educate the public:   Fake Flyers.


Truthers Plan to Hand out Fake Brochures for 9/11 Museum On Opening Day

The dedication of the new National September 11 Memorial Museum happened last week, with speeches from President Obama and Mayor de Blasio and flags flown at half-mast outside at the World Trade Center Memorial Plaza. The museum will open to the public on Wednesday, May 21, and the 9/11 truth squad is, predictably, planning a visit of their own.
The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been very dedicated for a very long time to promulgating the theory that September 11 was an inside job, and that the Twin Towers were felled by a controlled demolition. Their latest effort in New York was a billboard in Times Square. But for the opening day of the 9/11 Museum, they've got something else planned: fake museum brochures, designed to look exactly like the real ones.
On a related website called 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington, AE911Truth calls the September 11 Museum "elaborate, taxpayer-funded, public relations campaign to forever cement the fantastic claims of the official conspiracy theory into the history books." They say museum visitors will be presented with "a first-rate 'Madison Avenue' account of September 11th that has served as the justification for two wars, demolished our national economy, and deprived us of our privacy and civil liberties."
So AE911Truth, almost none of whom are based in New York, started fundraising to send their members here, to hand out brochures outside the museum on opening day and again on Saturday, May 24. "By printing thousands of educational flyers and distributing them via teams of AE911Truth volunteers at the memorial grounds entry," they write, "we can inform the public as to why the 9/11 Memorial Museum is largely a fraud."
If nothing else has worked to open the eyes of the non-conspiracy-minded public, surely fake brochures will do the trick.
Or not.

Predictably this stunt has all but backfired, but that will be very useful to radicalize new troops who will see the negative attention as "proof" they are "on to something".

Let's be clear: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 "Truth" is a fraudulent non-profit.   I can say that with confidence because there is no proof over it's years of existence they have any intention of lobbying for a new investigation or proper scientific testing of samples.  They also endorse the work of proven scammers who push scientific frauds, and promote fake peer reviewed papers.   Almost every major associate at one time or another was either a member of Jim Fetzer's Scholars for 9/11 Truth, or was part of the Campaign for Liberty/Von Mises/Ron Paul machine.  This is just the latest stunt to keep the money flowing and/or laundering.

I hope whomever designed the real flyer DMCA's Gage and his assets. 

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