A couple of friends of mine got heavy into Occupy, one with an unfortunate fixation on Ron Paul, no matter how much evidence of Paul's racist associations leaked out. It was like a perverse version of voting for the lesser evil strategy, except that Ron Paul was actually the greater evil.
Occupy itself was fraught with issues before the scammers and loons Lady Liberty analyses jumped on the bandwagon, but this doesn't take away from LLL excellent points.
One observation from the getgo is most of the infiltration is by political groups, conartists, or corporate opportunists from both camps. Very little directly by the "gubmint", though of course this is happening, but in a much more subtle way.
Infiltrators of the Occupy Movement.A list follows heavily represented by"Patriot" pro militia groups, including our "friend" Dr. Paul:
Popular activist movements attract all manner of scavengers and hangers-on, most of which seek to capitalize on the success of the more popular group to compensate for the fact that the majority of society regards them as a bunch of babbling kooks. The Occupy Movement is no different, with everyone from The American Spectator to Zeitgeist seeing the mass throng of people as easy pickings by which to enlarge their subscriber base and coffers. Some of these groups, however, see the Occupy Movement as a means to seek legitimacy for their own morally reprehensible causes, whether that takes the form of racism, fraud or selling out activists to the feds.
Here then, is a list of some of the most odious and dangerous groups and individuals currently sucking off the teat of the Occupy Movement. These people shouldn’t be considered part of the broader Occupy Movement, no matter what sort of “authority” they claim.
-The Ron Paul Movement
Personality cult built around a racist old coot. Why they’re involved with this is puzzling, because the overall thrust of the movement has been agitating for increased government oversight on Wall Street and banks and increased taxes on millionaires, which is something Ron Paul categorically opposes as being “un constitutional.” They want your money and your vote.Ron Paul cult of wackos
Underline mine.
As the savvy are aware, the Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty was never far from the 9/11 "truth" conspiracy franchise, what with Ron Paul's wingman Lew Rockwell up to his eyeballs in Craig "killtown" Lazo's 911 movement forum.
Zeitgeist deserves mention since it was pushed aggressively in "truther" circles at one time as a new "paradigm" or some-such.
-ZeitgeistOne blog promoting Zeitgeist was frank about the vague mysteriousness or the promotional literature, often a "tell" of cult bait/switch:
UFO cult associated with something called The Venus Project, which is debunked in a very thorough manner here. The long and short of it is that they want your money.
Poor blogging
And poor website. After reading this blog, I know absolutely nothing about the film.
So I took the time to go to the website, and after looking at it, I know absolutely nothing about the film.
I don't even know why it would be a good reason and worth my time to go to the website, or watch the film.
It's supposed to be a bit of a mysterySeriously? He needs to waste 2 hours of his life before he has any idea if it's worth it?
Therefore you don't get a long synopsis, only the Q: "What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve have in common?"
But in the blog, just look at the pictures here, the pictures.
Come on now, dear doughnut, just click the play button, you will not be wasting your time. Then tell us what you thought of it.
Another charming thread about Zeitgeist, with links to the Cassiopeia cult, and David Cole boosters like this guy:
Sorry pal, but after the monstrous 9/11 lie, why should anyone be shocked that 9/11 was not the first time history has been embellished and/or just plain made up? I would be surprised if 9/11 was the only or the biggest historical distortion of our ruling classes! War is always a tragedy for civilians, just ask the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Oh it was a "just war" alright! It was very just the way everyone except the wealthy backers of both sides (the same people of course) got to suffer equally. 6 million is a symbolic number that has been used even after the official mainstream accepted number killed at Auschwitz was reduced from 4 million to 1 million. Everything you want people to think about those who question the official holocaust narrative is in fact true of those who helped to cause and have since manipulated, misrepresented, and profited from genuine suffering of Jewish people during WW2. The lies and gross exaggerations of Zionists were just atrocity propaganda sanctioned by the victors of the war and used to justify the theft of Palestinian land conveniently near the world's oil fields so that european imperialists could hide behind the seemingly noble cause of restitution to Jewish victims of German war crimes.
For those shocked to read such things, be sure to look up the work of Jewish holocaust revisionist David Cole, and see what ended up happening to him for daring to question the official history. 9/11 Truthers should learn from his experience trying to bring the truth to people who don't want to hear it!
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero
WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force
NEW---> check out our revamped site!
Real Truther on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 3:13pm.
And this guy:
When you look at what was done to David Cole...
Yes, poor, poor, poor David Cole-Stein the Con Man:Historian David Irving and many others who only search for truth you will know that the we're in the "violently opposed" stage of Holocaust discussion. Prof. Tony Martin is another example of someone, who merely questioned the Jewish role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade (and no more so than any other European race), and was attacked & threatened mercilessly.
It's the information age folks, put it to use.
Big_D on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 10:10pm.
Turns out he was less "oppressed" than just wanted to reinvent himself after deep professional embarrassment. It's notable none of Cole super fans have flocked back to him after his outing.
But I digress. Or perhaps when loons infiltrate a popular movement, the lunacy is doomed to propagate.
Viva La Madness.
Let's end on a hilarious exchange from the comments:
M. Kaney
By the way, I will be straight up and not try to dance around it. It is your classic portrayal of Ron as a crazy racist old coot.. that classic talking point that requires no independent thought or acknowledgement of a brilliant man is what gives you away as an infiltrator yourself. Like him or hate him, most of the people in the movement have been open enough to have intelligent and sincere conversations about the man and the ideas he champions. That’s what gave you away, your lack of intellectual humility.
ThelibertylampAnd for anyone in doubt about the source of Paul's opinion on Blacks, the environment, etc, look no further than Ron Paul's own new letters, written by Paul himself.
What ideas are those? That 95% of all black males in DC are criminals? That global warming is a myth? That evolution doesn’t exist? That the economy needs to be placed squarely in the hands of precious metals speculators? That labor unions have no right to exist? That abortion should be criminalized? That governmental regulation of private industry is a flawed idea? That banks and capitalism need to exist in an environment unhindered and unfettered by pesky regulations? Ron Paul’s only contribution is that his rhetoric variously demands either the auditing or abolition of the federal reserve– but there is no plan after that. We’ve always had a sincere position on Ron Paul: he’s a racist, theocratic old man who– apart from being profoundly anti-labor– is an advocate of the highest degree for the privileges of the ultra-rich to live without having to contribute anything to the communities in which they live.
And what about this term you threw in at the end– “intellectual humility?” Are you using this term because you mean to imply we are violating Mill’s credo that we are not humble about what we don’t know– that we are arrogant and close-minded? Or instead do you mean that we should humble ourselves before your sacred cows because we might offend you? Instead of readily dismissing criticisms of Paul for whatever reason, perhaps the entire Ron Paul movement needs to practice some intellectual humility of its own. I am sick and tired of seeing reams of denials and apologetics about Ron Paul’s racism in his own paper from members of his movement– when people are presented with incontrovertible statements (and even video footage, with regards to the evolution statement) from people about their political opinions, they generally understand those statements are those of the person making them. The overwhelming, rote, scripted chorus from the Ron Paul movement is “he didn’t really say that” or “he didn’t really mean that.” Who’s practicing “intellectual humility” now?