Mar 26, 2014

Mia Dolan on Eric Hufschmid, 911truth, at Daily Kos

There was a time Eric Hufschmid had the distinction of publishing one of the few books with good clear photos of the WTC towers as they collapsed on 9/11.  Unfortunately, even back before I knew he was a Nazi lover, his ending screed was full of crazy talk.  I spoke of Hufschmid's book with an individual who would go on to be a Nazi apologist, and whom at the time also gave no indication they knew Eric was a Nazi lover.  This is interesting because this same person would go on a crusade in early 2007 to have Eric removed as an organizer in the Arizona conference due to his sudden new book about Auschwitz [Correction: It was Eric D. Williams who was involved with the Arizona conference, not Eric Hufschmid.  However the rest of the points and associations re: Holocaust denial still stand.]This gave them some brief anti fascist cred...until they became a moderator at a website pushing softcore Nazi apologism.

But here's the kicker:  the webmaster of that website was told Hufschmid was bad news all the way back in 2006, when they both were members of Holocaust denier Jim Fetzer's Scholars for 911 Truth group.

The person who brought this up was a Daily Kos user by the nick Mia Dolan.   Therefore any objections to Holocaust denial in 2007 by the same people pretending not to associate with them was a scam perpetrated on leftists, hoping they would never look up the scammers posts on DKos.  Which, if they thought about it for two seconds, was pretty dumb:  of course leftists are going to wonder what the hell these closet Nazi losers were publishing on a lefty website.  If nothing else, for laughs.

Ladies and Gentelmen, I give you the outstanding posts of Mia Dolan on the
"Truth" Movement.  I'm only sorry I didn't discover them much sooner.

On Eric Hufschmid: thread starts
Jim Fetzer and the Scholars group are professional liars.  There is no testing against inconsistencies - no scientific of evidentiary analysis at all.   My conspiracy theory is that they are being paid by Republicans to undermine any real investigation into Bush's 9/11-related negligences.

by Mia Dolan on Thu Mar 23, 2006 at 08:30:32 PM PST

I'm a member of the group 
I'm not paid by republicans to defend my country from people who murder my fellow citizens and human beings and blame it on Muslims.  Who's paying you to shield these criminals Mia?  Do you really think that Americans are that stupid?  You're a character assassin, pure and simple.

by Gretavo on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 04:25:55 PM PST

What group? 
The Scholars?  Do you deny that Eric Hufshcmid is a holocaust denier?  

by Mia Dolan on Sat Mar 25, 2006 at 01:29:28 PM PST

Please cite his holocaust denying work 
and i'll let you know.  i haven't come across anything of the kind, but would like to know why you think he denies the holocaust.

by Gretavo on Thu Mar 30, 2006 at 03:28:44 PM PST

Ok, you asked for it 
Here is the link  []
Here are my favorite parts:

This gas chamber was not disguised as a shower. In fact, I would expect the skull and crossbones to frighten people.  (photos available on original site)  This particular photo has been used as evidence that Nazis had gas chambers for killing people, but the Holocaust Truth Seekers complain that  those particular chambers were designed to kill lice in bedding and clothing.  Typhus and lice were serious problem in parts of Europe during World War II. The U.S. Army discovered that DDT will kill the lice. The Germans discovered that cyanide would kill them.
Most Americans have "common sense", and common sense tells us that those gas chambers were for mass executions of people, not mass executions of lice.
However, if the goal of the Nazis to kill the prisoners, common sense would tell us that there were thousands of much easier, much less expensive methods. For example, they could have put prisoners on the trains that have the windows sealed shut. As the trains are rolling down the track, the Nazis could release poison gas. The trains would dump the bodies for burial, and then go back to pick up another load of prisoners.  There was no sensible reason to transport prisoners to a camp where they would have to be fed, especially when you consider that food was in short supply during the final years of the war. Even in America there were shortages of food. Why would the Nazis waste their time, money, and resources keeping these prisoners alive if their goal was to kill them?
And why did the Nazis bother to protect the prisoners from typhus and lice? Why not put the prisoners in the camp, shut the gates, and let the lice and typhus kill them?  
We may never know the true details of what happened at the Nazi prison camps, but just looking at a few of the photos and just thinking about the issue for a few minutes should make you realize that something is seriously wrong with the official story.

Before you say anything about Nazis, look through the photos and do some research. Do you even know where the archives of photos are? How many American professors of history have looked at these archives?
How can anybody be given a degree in history and referred to as an expert in history if he has not even looked at the photos of the Nazi camps? How can Ameircan universities be considered "educational" institutions when students are graduating with almost no understanding of what happened just a few decades ago? The photos shows that some Nazi prisons were real prisons, and some were slave labor camps, but none of them were extermination centers. Germany was losing the war during the final years, and they were desperate for military supplies. The Nazis began rounding up the unwanted people for the labor camps.
The prisoners were given beds and food because they were making supplies for the German military. The Nazis wanted to keep the prisoners free of lice and typhus because sickly, miserable prisoners do not make good workers.
Have I misinterpreted this?  Am I just overstating some legitimate criticism of Israeli foreign policy?  You tell me.   By the way, according to Hufschmid the moon landings were also a hoax.
by Mia Dolan on Thu Mar 30, 2006 at 04:52:34 PM PST

where does he say it didn't happen?
I'm not saying I necessarily agree with his analysis but there is a huge difference between DENYING that the Nazis killed millions of Jews (or millions of Russians, Roma, gays, etc.) and questioning specific claims of wrongdoing.  Just because the Nazis were evil (and they were!) does not mean we can accuse them of anything we feel like.  Nothing you quote up there points to anything other than a desire to hold all history, even the history of Jewish suffering, to rigorous standards of truth.  The way you and others throw around terms like "holocaust denier" has nothing to do with truth and everything to do with slander and libel.  Thankfully, people are waking up by the millions to the fact that we cannot trust official accounts of anything.  9-11 is just the latest case of this and one that represents a gross miscalculation by the liars behind it.
Finally, on the moon landing issue, I have not yet taken the time to examine Eric's arguments.  My tendency has always been to dismiss that particular conspiracy theory but I probably will look at the case he makes soon and let you know what I think.  I would never dismiss the possibility that Hufschmid is a plant intending to discredit the truth movement, on the other hand.  His specific criticisms of the official history of Nazi concentration camps does not strike me as reflecting in any way sympathy with Nazis or their cause, which is something you seem very keen to establish on rather weak grounds.  You've shown in your own treatment of the case of 9-11 a remarkable willingness to believe impossible things in order to preserve your Osama did it comfort zone--that to me indicates that you may well harbor prejudices against Muslims, but I wouldn't go so far as to accuse you of denying the fact that the Israeli military has killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians, even if you argued that those murders were justified or the scale of them exaggerated.

by Gretavo on Mon Apr 03, 2006 at 11:42:50 AM PDT
Holy crap
Huffschmid writes that the gas chambers were for de-lousing jews, not killing them.    If you really can't figure out what kind of person he is, then you are an idiot.  I think you can, though, so I will stick with my original conclusion:  you are a vile disgusting piece of shit.  If anything, I think you are a plant to discredit the 9-11 truth movement.  If you google yourself, you will see links stating that you actually work for the CIA.

by Mia Dolan on Mon Apr 03, 2006 at 08:06:24 PM PDT

Um, a tin foil hat for Mia please! 
And you call us the looney conspiracy theorists.  Not only do you believe that exploding toner cartridges are what the FDNY repeatedly witnessed in the towers, but you also think the CIA is out to get you.  I realize you're in a bind Mia, but you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.  Pray, where do you get this idea that googling Gretavo (short for Greta Von Dutch, my super secret alias) leads to the CIA?

by Gretavo on Tue Apr 04, 2006 at 04:48:42 AM PDT 
Someone named Gustavo Espada, who is a staff assistant at Harvard, goes by the nickname Gretavo on the web, is a member of the scholars group, and posts 9/11 conspiracy theories elsewhere.  Is that not you?

by Mia Dolan on Tue Apr 04, 2006 at 12:46:34 PM PDT

wow Mia! do you prefer Reynolds or store brand? 
Again, you said I'm a plant and work for the CIA.  Wrong.  You say, without evidence, that 19 mostly dead hijackers flew planes on 9-11.  Wrong.  You think WTC 7 had no explosives to help bring it down when it had only two little fires on a pair of floors.  Wrong.  You think the Israeli "art-students" were "tracking Arabs" before 9-11.  Wrong.  You say a 757 pierced 3 rings of the Pentagon leaving a nice neat hole in the third ring after penetrating 9 feet of reinforced concrete and then disappeared.  Wrong.  Everything you say you believe, Mia, is wrong.  Even that your name is really Mia Dolan.  As in Mia Dolan the famous psychic?  For all I know, YOU are Gustavo Espada, who seems from the google search I did to be a super spy involved in all kinds of crazy things, judging by the rants of someone who likes to post to indymedia sites around the world.  Really Mia, I think you need a rest.  Jacky Chiles has been working you awfully hard no doubt!

by Gretavo on Tue Apr 04, 2006 at 01:53:00 PM PDT

So Mia and others already knew who he was in 2006.  For the record, it's doubtful this clown is a direct CIA asset, however much he acted like oneFar more likely his family is friends of friends working in government offices who are exploiting their positions to push a Nazi lite agenda and "gretavo" just helps out where he can.  Since con artists and intellegence agents use simular technigues, what better way to hide the con, than encouraging the idea there are COINTELPRO agents or "shills"?  When they're caught screwing with people, the targets assume the government is behind it and are afraid to report them.  It's one of the few strokes of genius these evil clowns came up with.

Pity it doesn't work any more:

Deception/fraud: TXXXXXX, JXXXXXX, 911blogger LLC, and others
Thursday, January 2, 2014

I'm writing a complaint about these companies websites: Blogger Llc/TXXXX, JXXXX), and by extension, & Engineers for 9/11 Truth/RXXXXX), and

The real CIA wouldn't want anything to do with the level of criminal liability these idiots have created with their Byzantine online confidence games.

Thank you Mia Dolan, wherever you are.

Turns out Hufschmid wasn't completely unknown to 911blogger in 2007.  There was an interview published in Jan 2005:

The wayback machine shows Huffies Holocaust denial material was published at least by April 2005:

Which is vitually unchanged from the current page[now hosted at ]

It's possible the page didn't exist in Jan of 2005, but it's more likely DZ didn't dig through the website; none of the Holocaust bollox is easily found on the first page Jan of 2005:

But DZ might have had a clue all was not well  when this guy clearly doubts the Moon landings, which is on the front page:

Update  June 2014: 

It appears Gustavo Espada , and many others, have never stopped being members of Jim Fetzer Scholar's group:

Currently, Scholars for 9/11 Truth has four categories of members: full members (FM), who have or have had academic appointments or the equivalent; associate members (AM), who have backgrounds and interests relevant to 9/11 research; and student members (SM), who are concerned about these issues and want to pursue them. The special category of society associate (SA) exists for others who wish to publicly support the association.
The presently enrolled members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth are as follows:

[scroll down to associate members]

 Associate Members Sterling D. Allan (AM)
New Energy Congress, Founder, PES Network, Inc, Executive Director
Garry Anaquod (AM)
Sessional instructor, First Nations University of Canada
Robert Anderson (AM)
Magazine Free-Lance Contributing Editor
James Arft (AM)
America First Party
Victoria Ashley (AM)
Architecture and physiological psychology,
Gwendolyn Atwood (AM)
Clinical psychologist, Ed.D., Harvard University
John C. Austin (AM)
Juris Doctorate; Music publishing; Radio broadcasting
Steve Baer (AM)
Solar energy, Manufacturing
David Benson (AM)
Actor; Conspiracy Theories; Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Michael Berger (AM)
Speaker, Spokesman,
Mark S. Bilk (AM)
Computer programmer; Electronics technician/engineer;
Steve Bishop  (AM)
Information Technology
Kevin Bracken (AM)
Victorian Branch Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia
Len Bracken (AM)
Credentialed Journalist, Graduate of GWU’s Elliott School of International Affairs,
Author of “Shadow Government: 9/11 and State Terror”
Jordan Brewster (AM)
James Roger Brown (AM)
Director, The Sociology Center; Congressional Evidence Book Author
Fred Burks (AM)
Served for many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries.
D’Anne Burley (AM) 
Talk Show Host, Truthradio, RBNLIVE.COM
John Cameron (AM)
American politics
Bill Carlson (AM)
Frank Carmen (AM)
Physics Ph.D., BYU
Thom Clark (AM)
Registered geologist, Environmental geologist
Muhammad Columbo (AM)
Graduate Engineer electronics wide industrial experience
Michael Copass  (AM)
Microbiology, Vaccinology, Immunology
Tim Costello (AM)
Judy Cunningham (AM)
Health Education, Counseling and Rehabilitation
Rose Davis (AM)
Publisher, Indian Voices
Steve De’ak (AM)
Network professional
Thaddeus Dombrowski (AM)
Mathematics, Computer science, Software engineering
Karel Donk (AM)
Multimedia and Web Design
Eric Douglas (AM)
New York City architect Chair of the Independent Peer Review Committe for the NIST WTC Reports at
Dominic Dudzik (AM)
Physics simulations, Electrical engineering
Brian Duncan (AM)
Fire Protection Engineering; Art and Creative Director; The Flywire,
Curtis T. Dunlap (AM)
Weather forecaster, Global Hawk technology
John Ekonomou (AM)
Attorney at Law
Gustavo Espada (AM)
Media and Culture, Administrator, Harvard University
Scott Fenton (AM)
Physics, Chemistry, Information Technology
Joel Ferrell (AM)
Pilot, Aeronautical engineer,
Bill Fikes, Jr. (AM)
U.S. Army, Website construction
Alex Floum (AM)

Which puts this post in perspective:
[from  ]

everything you need to know about Fetzer...

Jim Fetzer: "I must say I think we're finding out Judy, what happened on 9/11. I'm just blown away by your work. This is the most fascinating development in the history of the study of 9/11 ... I'm going to make a wild guess Judy; I'm going to presume that these [directed energy] beams had to be located in Building 7?"
Judy Wood: "Nope. I don't think so."
Fetzer: "Planes?"
Judy Wood: "No ... I think it's very likely it's in orbit."
Fetzer: "Oh Really?? Oh ho ho ho ho! Oh Judy. Oh my oh my oh my oh my. This is huge ... this is huge Judy."
Non-Random Thoughts on RBN Live: Jim Fetzer interviews Judy Wood; November 11, 2006
Or this :

Scholars for 9/11 Truth
 Submitted by gretavo on Thu, 2010-05-13 22:03.  The "charlatan" group formed by Fetzer after his split with Steven Jones.
Yeah, whatever.

Fraud and deception are such ugly words...but accurate.  Just take a look at Fetzer's Sandy Hook fiasco:

It won't end well...

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