Apr 16, 2015

Mark Fisher aka Logicfish commited to hospital for Internet Harrasment

Mark Fisher aka "Logicfish"

Mark Fisher is better known among the 911 "truther" community as "logicfish".

Fisher was specifically a part of a sub community used by the creepiest of creeps to intimidate and threaten people, hoping to convince them "agents" were out to get them.  Fisher's old blogger profile was littered with links and projects to WQ2RX, a video tag cipher invented by either Fisher or his long time mentor Spiney aka Andrew Kelly. (Later, in 2008, Fisher registered a WQ2RX domain, but the tag had already been used for months)

A list of Fisher's blogs follows; though many are just copycat themes Spiney used, there are titles (in italics) were shared by Spiney, :

Some of these projects were dedicated to helping Craig "Killtown" Lazo and friends get away with "murder"...or at least harassment and defamation. The WQ2RX brand was used by at least Fisher, Kelly, "Webfairy", Fred BSregistration and "Ozzybinoswald" aka Greg Thomson.    The last is relevant because Thomson had the most and worst videos, a few which were reported for having "sexed up" images of preteen girls.

Edited Image1

When this was discovered, there was a backlash to the 911 porn videos(even persons otherwise brainwashed by conspiracies objected).  Then Thomson first "ironically" admitted to publishing "child porn" on Youtube, then he angrily tried to project this on his critics.

[For the record, according to one of "Ozzy" Thomson's  former acquaintances claimed he was an "information clearing house" for "truther" projects.  Thomson's story is he was sent batches of images/information and told to mix them up in videos and he never examined the contents closely.  Even if this is true, Thomson is still responsible for the results of his "work".]  

This was in the middle of the "Harley Guy" scam project,


which did not go well(link).   Finally, in some desperate attempt at a rubber/glue strategy, Lazo got Fisher and Kelly to spam blogs and Facebook pages claiming his critics might be scientologists and paedophiles and stalkers.  This one was set up under Fisher's name.

For reasons that will probably never be explained, Fisher and Kelly then embarked on an Internet Spam crusade claiming to "expose" paedophiles in their community(Hudderfield, United Kingdom) with the flimsiest of "proof".

It's bizarre and baffling.  Perhaps they were trying to make their blogs viral to hide their rubbish in the digital noise?  If so, they failed spectacularly.   Someone did notice, and they were not amused.

Earlier this year Mark Fisher was detained:

Mark Fisher detained in hospital after posting false claims online linking Huddersfield people to paedophilia


A man made vile online claims about people he held a grudge by claiming they were paedophiles.
Now Mark Fisher has been ordered to be detained in hospital.
Fantasist Fisher, of Fenton Road, Lockwood, posted the damaging comments online.
One of his victims, a schoolteacher, has been unable to return to work because of the false allegations made by the 44-year-old
District Judge Michael Fanning told him: “You made harmful and utterly baseless allegations against a number of individuals.
“The allegations you made are a fantasy and in one instance you harmed the career of one of your victims.”
Fisher was convicted after a trial of nine charges under the Malicious Communications Act of updating a website with grossly offensive articles.
He was found guilty of a further charge of harassment.

Oh, this does not look good for the conspiracy stalking crowd.  It turns out there are consequences for spinning unfounded lies about people who never agreed to be part of a conspiracy freakshow.  It get's better, er, worse:

The court heard that Fisher initially targeted one male victim with his lies.
Vanessa Jones, prosecuting, told Kirklees Magistrates’ Court: “Mr Fisher published on a couple of blog sites and Facebook some unpleasant information about this gentleman in relation to paedophile involvement.”

Fisher put a picture of the victim on the social networking site with a link to the website linked to a known sex offender.
But Fisher claimed that on his page were the details of ‘suspected perverts’ living in Huddersfield.
 Ah yes, the good ol semantics defence.  It's a favorite of Lazo's ("It's suspected that Val's photo is fake") and casseia ("It's not a lie, it's my opinion.")  Turns out in the real world, the legal system is not impressed by disingenuous semantics.

Fisher's target tried to resolve things like a normal person.  I could have told him how that would have ended:
The victim told Fisher that the allegations were false and asked him to take the information off the site, which Fisher refused to do.
 But what's interesting, and surprising, is some of Fisher's friends had tried an intervention...this hardly ever happens in the conspiracy scene:

Others who knew Fisher responded and told him they were not happy about him making these claims.

Mrs Jones said: “Four other people who knew Mr Fisher expressed their displeasure.

“They were added to the list that Mr Fisher felt were part of paedophile involvement.
Ouch, but not surprising to anyone who has observed the conspiracy Borg in action.  If you aren't with them, you are against them.  Needless to say the judge was not convinced:
Judge Fanning told him: “The allegations you made against them are a fantasy, linking them to paedophilia.”

He said that some of the victims were wrongly linked to terrorism while Fisher accused another of causing the death of her husband, when he was killed by a tragic accident.

In Making the hospital order, the judge said: “I am satisfied that you will continue to offend against these individuals or cast your net wider to involve those against whom you hold a grudge.”

But how did Mark Fisher go so far astray?

The Long Slide Into Conspiracy Fantasies and Mental Imbalance

Fisher didn't become this way over night.  They say he's mentally ill and that could explain a lot:
 The court heard that Fisher, who had no previous convictions, suffers from mental illness.
 But I'm hesitant to give Fisher that excuse.  Fisher knew he was spreading lies about people when he worked with Spiney on the WQ2RX project, and when he helped spread Craig Lazo's blackmail stalking lies on Facebook and sundry websites.  So it's hard for me to imagine Fisher didn't know he was lying about calling these people paedophiles.

I think it's more likely Fisher, much like Lazo, Thomson, and many other players in the online "truther" game, became habituated to shooting their mouths off about any crazy BS.  Since they rarely were held accountable, they started to believe they were untouchable.  Craig Lazo all but brags about it, posing disingenuous rhetoricals like, "If it's not true Val faked her photo why don't her friends defend her?"  Lazo can't fathom the obvious: because she's warned them to stay out of it.  Wynahusen isn't much better:  "If 'killtowns' wrong, why hasn't Google removed his blog?", conveniently ignoring the well known fact contacting Google is a nightmare.

Well, she's not really ignoring it, is she?  Lazo and Wynhausen know damn well how difficult it is to pursue a complaint with Google...that's why the worst of their lies about people are hosted on Google websites.      Fisher was part of this strategy and was active so long it's possible his participation in craziness took it's toll.

Becoming the mask is always a risk for people pretending to be something they're not, even if they have good intentions.  If they have malicious intentions, one can only wonder at the psychic toll over the years.   The WQ2RX brand was conceived by Oct of 2007, along with dog4tree and other channels set up to spread it.   Most people involved were active at Youtube and Livevideo.

Fisher's Youtube account is connected with Google+.  His livevideo account was:


with his "crew" listed as Spiney, Coffinman,

In early 2007 his Livevideo had a Mature Content Warning, shades of the porn problems to come.  There are videos of 9/11 conspiracies, mixed with crop circle and UFO woo.  By  the end of 2007 September Clues was out, and being promoted like crazy in Fisher's likes, along with bizarre conspiracies about Robin Hood and Apollo 13.

By this time Fisher was well in an committed to the "woo" lifestyle.  Even years later, after the demise of Lazo's 911movement forum, they kept a hand in.
Fisher's friend Kelly would post as Spiney once in the new "Clues" forum:


implying he was involved with this blog:


and perhaps the person behind this profile mimicking nico's style:


One blog is more obvious being full of WQ2RX and "Ozzy" videos:


A sample:

OzzybinOswald2 exposes impossible 9/11 helicopter fake FOX
From: bunny4carrot
Added: November 25, 2007

MEENA Wq2rx SEXY Tvfakery SAREE Ak1rd FCS Akørd NIPPLES Kv4ri
Added: November 25, 2007
Submitted By: rabbit8carrot to rabbit8carrot's Channel

The obsession with sex and porn themes mixed with the WQ2RX tag had legs and never really stopped.  

For the record, I don't think it was "sex" per se, so much as the idea of tagging videos as sexy or porn related to get greater distribution.  From a pure logical perspective it's not a bad plan, if all you're interested in is spreading videos like wildfire, regardless of quality or intent.  The problem is, while yes, is you tag or title a video  "911 fakery XXX Hot Babes want you NOW", while the video will get attention, it will only get attention from people looking for "XXX Hot Babes".   No one clicking the video will have the slightest interest in the September 11th attacks or truther "theories".  Once they fail to see HOT BABES, they go away.

Once Ozzy had a meltdown on Lazo's 911movement forum over this, when a member pointed this out.  "Ozzy" ranted about how Nico was doing the work of fifty men or summat(confirming Nico had been part of the WQ2RX crew) and the member should just STFU.   In hindsight this is all rubbish:  The WQ2RX videos(a project most likely instigated by Fetzer) had no intention of being a medium to push "truth".  Their sole purpose was to spread propaganda and lies as a creepy intimidation tactic.  Members were supposed to either spam them and cheer the project on, or shut up.

No one wants to admit they knew Spiney and Logicfish now:  In this archived Reality Shack thread, Simon himself pretends to think a photoshop of Mark Fisher is actually "Ozzy":


Posted: Jan 25 2010, 12:04 AM

I may take my spaceship and land right in front of
 This is a video I just found - apparently made by 'our enemies'...:

Star Trek: WQ2RX Enterprise
 Damn! I just LOVE these 'enemies' of ours... I always dreamt of taking a ride in the Star Trek spaceship...
And now I even get to be Simon S(p)hock !

ps: I guess that's supposed to be KT in the foreground? Is that you in the background, Ozzy, with the beard? If so, what a serene and endearing face !


From the screen of the video posted, it's rather obvious to anyone who knows Logicfish aka Mark Fisher, the bearded guy is Fisher, albeit a younger, less manic Fisher:

Remember,  all these people knew each other at Livevideo and Craig Lazo's forum.   Shack's movie was only promoted by a small fringe of truthers;  he knew exactly who was photoshopped in that screengrab.    These people are running a scam and Fisher was involved.  And it is impossible to believe Fisher did not know this was a scam.  For whatever reason, Fisher hitched his wagon to "Spiney" and never looked back.

Spiney and Logicfish

They had an old website called SEO Follow.  It's dead now, but on their about page one could get some insight into the relationship  between these two men:

http://seofollow.net/blog/about   (Go to Wayback)

Spiney & Logicfish have been geeky friends for – let’s just say a ‘long time’ with a combined experience of 50 years computing generally & over 25 years professionally developing multimedia, software applications, Content Management Systems & a myriad of websites.
What's interesting is "Spiney" Kelly was always the dominant part of the pair; Kelly would be the one to do the most Internet tough talk. But it was Fisher who registered, and was responsible for their domains.  Fisher may have done most of the actual computer work, while Spiney took the glory.

The tone of the about page is almost certainly Kelly writing.  Fisher is less bold even online.  If it's true they've been friends for most of their lives, they could have had a codependent relationship where perhaps Fisher felt safe with big brother Kelly to look after him and give him direction. Such people have weak egos and soft ethical standards, if any.  It's hard to imagine Fisher telling Spiney "no" and his actions certainly support his willing involvement in several questionable, if not outright unethical online projects, with no hint of objection:

2007-2009?  WQ2RX stalking videos
2010-2011 Setting up a couple of Facebook stalking pages
 2011   Believes in magical ways to make money online:

Also from old website: Ez Wealth ideas
current site: http://www.ezwealthsolution.com/about_sponsor.php?logicfish

This could be the source of the Libertarian overlap:  Fisher's Facebook groups include The British Constitution Group and   Bitcoin Advertising Network  .  There is also the  wq2rx group, of which Fisher is now the sole member.

2011-late: Fisher was helping Kelly, help Lazo set up vindictive Facebook pages, calling for people to stalk Lazo's enemies, claiming in a great exercise of projection they used "blackmail and death threats to close down websites" and they have "joined pedo chat rooms" .  

This group is gone, but there is a screen:

It's hard to be angry with Fisher.  From his avatar he looks quite deranged and clearly is parroting Lazo's lies with Kelly's encouragement. None of the people who joined his group look like they have all their marbles either.  Unfortunately, some crazies do become violent, hence the reporting and deletion of their page.    The sick part is that of the two Spiney knows what he's doing and set Fisher up to take the fall.  The really sick part is that Fisher, being  emotionally dependent on Spiney, might not have cared.

But what happens when the dominant partner in a grifter gang dies?

Andrew Kelly aka Spiney, is no longer with us.  He died suddenly early in 2014:

April 26, 2014.
Aged 45 years. Suddenly whilst at home with his partner Carayna Zyeustt, Andrew Nicholas, only son of Edward and the late June Rose Kelly, much loved and sadly missed. Funeral at Huddersfield Crematorium on Thursday, May 15 at 10.00 a.m. Friends please accept this intimation.
The loss of a dominate party affects people differently.  Some finally come out of their shell and take charge of their lives.  Others collapse in on themselves and pass away soon after.  But some take on the dominate traits of the deceased, though not necessarily with the same effectiveness.  This appears to be the path Fisher has taken, to mimic his idol but without his idol's talent.

Kelly was able to harass people online for years without ever seeing the inside of a jail cell, much less a mental ward.  Oh, he lost websites, he lost Facebook accounts, but Kelly was savvy:  he distanced himself as far as possible from the end results of his actions via patsies. That's why all his website were registered in Mark Fisher's name.  That gives the lawyers a nice merry-go-round.  Fisher was too direct, perhaps impatient for the adrenaline rush he was used to.  And he rushed straight into a mental ward for it.

What the future holds

 From the article:
Fisher will be kept in hospital for an initial six-month term. Upon his release he must comply with a restraining order, banning him from contacting six named victims.

Fisher is also banned from posting any images or material about them online.
In addition he is prohibited from maintaining the material already published by him, meaning that any offensive posts will need to be taken down.
The future for Mr. Fisher is uncertain.   He's not only without his long time friend and mentor Kelly, he's also without the extended support network that reinforced Fishers belief in invincibility.   This could be a good thing if Fisher's responsive to therapy.  Without the conspiracy crazies filling his head with grandiose crazy talk, Fisher could see how wasted his life has been and cut himself off from the conspiracy Borg that took over and destroyed his life.  He could make new friends, find sane computer nerds to socialize with. If Fisher wants to this could be a golden opportunity to turn his life around.

I am cautiously optimistic but also realistic.  Most people in Fisher's situation have very little ego keeping them together.  That's how they fell into their situation in the first place.  Whether they did it for thrills or to belong or to lash out, they don't have the internal emotional resources to cope   with stress and anxiety, and so they lash out at "faceless" targets online.

Since at least 2007 Fisher has been part of a toxic, manipulative conspiracy network that operates much like a cult.   A person who has been involved with a predatory group for 8 years and has not noticed something is wrong, clearly cannot do this by themselves.  Whether, even after intervention, they will be able to see the problem remains to be seen. 

It is far more likely they will rally their defence mechanisms to avoid, deflect and project blame; make excuses like "free speech" and claim to be persecuted.  For people like this  confronting the fact they have  wasted their lives for nothing is just too horribly painful to face.  At least without help.

A bad sign already is the directive that "any offensive posts will need to be taken down", presumably at the end of Fisher's treatment.  I'm not sure why they shouldn't forcibly be taken down ASAP, perhaps as a condition of no further legal action against Fisher.  That would be more than reasonable.

I hope for Fisher's sake, and frankly everyone else that encounters him, he's about to get the help he needs.  Fisher is up for evaluation and possible release in October.  I guess we'll find out then.


Archived connections on Livevideo, other associations and commentary.

The Livevideo website died several years back, no one really knows why.    However much evidence of the Activities of Fisher's associates remain in wayback:

Spiney(Andrew Kelly) : http://www.livevideo.com/spineyextra
Viewing his channel in wayback, he has a link to a blog whining about censorship on Livevideo.   The first post implies some videos got blacklisted. What?  The guy has a thing for WQ2RX and PORN and his videos got blacklisted?  Poor baby.  This is also where we have a good inkling  Kelly is an anti semite if the art for this blog is an indication:

Fred BSRegistration:  http://www.livevideo.com/bsregistration
Can see his "crew" at this link:
Which includes, Killtown(Craig Lazo), Socialservice,
Expanded view: spineymedia, ewing2001

Ozzybinoswald(Greg Thomson):  http://www.livevideo.com/ozzybinoswald2

Shacks Livevideo channel:    http://livevideo.com/socialservice
instructive statement from archive:

Sunday, June 10, 2007 at 3:04 PM
Important note : having read some comments on well-known sites linking this research to various organizations, I want to stress that :

I am not linked to any special interests or, in fact, to anyone whatsoever. I'm a LONE researcher am not affiliated to organizations of any kind. Of course, I have a few very smart friends out there which have helped me through - you know who you are, I love you all.

Now, if anyone questions the authenticity of the TV footage used for this research - go to the 911 Chronology Sources Television Archive it's there for all to see :


BUT BE WARNED : the entire FOX5 helicopter-shot has been edited out and replaced with planeless shot (only fireball) similar to CBS's - while commentary has remained unaltered...

(We'll be looking for the full clip of the "Harley Guy".  And if it is there, it will prove that anyone pretending to not know who Mark Humphrey is knew they were creating a scam.)

Lazo's support an promotion of September Clues on his blog:


Jennifer Wynhausen, Craig Lazo's ex, was also part of the livevideo crew, though never made videos TTBOMK.

from indymedia

Her channel, now only in wayback, promoted September Clues fanatically, even though she only had one friend, "ewing2001".  However a screenshot of her channel at another time shows she was "friends " with Fisher's partner "Spiney":

Jennifer's participation seems to be gathering and feeding information in addition to boosting search results with "likes".  Keep in mind at all times the people involved with making and trying to sell September Clues to the truther crowd knew they were pushing a fraud.

 Wynhausen and Lazo aren't the only Libertarians who jumped on this bandwagon.  Lew Rockwell, Rick Siegel and Fred Smart are others;  it was Smart who dragged "Webfairy" into the truther con where she'd be exploited by Fetzer and others.  The high percentage of Libertarian truthers in positions of influence implies a political "long con".

I still don't see what Libertarians tangibly get out of this--money, political capital, whatever--- but the Libertarian/fringe right involvement pushing the theories is too well documented to dismiss.  It's possible they had a "plan" that never worked or panned out, or was abandoned midway, leaving the participants to lunge about online like a chicken with it's head cut off.  And, like with real conspiracies and crimes, not every detail will always be explained or make sense.   But this is a persistently baffling one.  It may say less about their craftsmanship at building a "long con" and more about the Libertarian mindset's  bias to grandiose and magical  thinking, believing they are just so special they'll get away with anything "just cuz".

stallion4:  part of the WQ2RX crew at livevideo https://web.archive.org/web/20070613083959/http://www.livevideo.com/stallion4

...made a video called  "An Angry Secret in the Lair of the Thermite Sniffers: WQ2RX"


Video linked to at this blog:


That blog has another interesting post....


Truthaction Petros feigns ingorance of wq2rx while gloating over lies about NWOilluminator http://youtube.com/911mythbusters and Dog4tree

The link,   http://thehuddersfielddailyexaminer.magnify.net/ goes to a dead page but in wayback one can see it's yet another project of Spiney's spreading lies and WQ2RX rubbish.

Nico Ripped Off By Gary Welz' Cheesy WQ2Rx Thermite
Posted 2007-10-18. Rated 9.1 by 1 person. No comments. Post a comment.
OzzybinOswald2 wrote: Dog22Peach's weekly report:

http://www.thewebfairy.com/911 /home.htm SEPT 11 2001 WQ2RX MEDIA CELL MURDERED AMERICANS IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, not ATTA or United Flight 175.

[The only thing this Petros person is notable for at Truthaction is getting himself banned for trolling, at which his buddy "casseia" whines somewhere on the Internet:

 I think for the sake of posterity it might be worthwhile to document "the score" for the sake of people who don't know, because it's just so patently outrageous -- the last outrage being the banning of Petros, purely on the basis of his association with me or this site or perhaps Col. Jenny's personal antipathy. YT's monster ego doesn't help.
The underlined text refers to a specific lie this individual tried to float in Aug 2007, though this comment is dated March 2008(points for persistence!), but that's another convoluted story.  Suffice it to saw no one had any antipathy for Petrol, or "casseia" for that matter, until it was clear they were liars running a scam with the same people they were "denouncing".

   The sleazeball would go on to entertain White Supremacist supporters(Kevin Barrett) before being exposed as a conartist, which at this late date is a surprise to no one.]

The constant reference back to people in Craig Lazo's Portland group made it all but inevitable the WQ2RX garbage would be exposed as a scam created by Lazo's friends, including Mark Fisher, sooner rather than later Perhaps the stupidest example was when Ozzybinoswald included in his videos requests for information directly addressing Craig Lazo's associates Ginny Ross and Steve Keller:

Just Google Ginny Ross and Craig Lazo...

Mark Fisher's Logicfish friendfeed account:


The website was closed down April 9th, but a screen of his account, with other members of the WQ2RX crew survives:

Videos of related Police Investigation

Fisher has unwisely uploaded videos to his vimeo account of police investigating his home after his arrest last year, or, as Fisher prefers to call it, his "detainment".  From the time stamps on the videos, Fishers trouble with law enforcement started in October of 2014.

How Fisher describes these events:

 He also has a video of the actual arrest...were the "meanie" coppers let him get his shoes before they take him to the station.  Oh, and, Fisher makes a point of being "disabled".  Whatever.


Illegal Entry - Two coppers force their way... by logicfish

Let's hope he gets help.


Story picked up across the web:

Internet troll who branded innocent people paedophiles and terrorists convicted of harassment

An internet troll who branded innocent people paedophiles and terrorists has been convicted of harassment.
Fantasist Mark Fisher, 44, posted damaging comments online about people he held a grudge against....

An Internet Troll Who Branded Innocent People Paedophiles And S Has Been Convicted Of Harment

Internet Troll Who Called Innocent People Paedophiles And Terrorists Have Been Charged With Harassment Charge





Apr 5, 2015

James Fetzer supports LaRouche PAC; Barrett interviews Gage, White Supremacist Miller

And the penny drops with a thud.

After years of suspicions and dodgy activities, incontrovertible  proof of Fetzer's support and association with the Larouche cult is finally available...from the Larouche PAC itself.

In 2011 one of Fetzer's radio shows was boosted by the PAC:


Obama's Nazi Police State and War Drive Presented on Madison, Wisconsin, Radio
December 16, 2011 • 12:20PM
Obama's Nazi Police State and War Drive Presented on Madison, Wisconsin, Radio 

Radio host and prolific blogger Jim Fetzer hosted Mike Billington for an hour Wednesday night. Fetzer strongly supports the LaRouche movement, and wanted to address the nazi police-state measures being passed this week as part of the National Defense Authorization Bill. Fetzer had already posted on his website the video of Sen. Levin exposing Obama's personal role in preventing the watering down of the bill to eliminate the President's power to arrest and incarcerate Americans indefinitely, without cause or due process.  
He asked repeatedly why Obama believes he needs this power, allowing Billington to discuss the control of the madman Obama by the British Empire, the genocidal intentions of that Empire, the history of the Empire's effort to destroy the United States and sovereignty in general, and the necessary mobilization (in spite of Christmas) to stop the onrushing global nuclear war by removing Obama. Billington discussed the potential for victory through Glass Steagall and the global NAWAPA, but that the population and its leaders had to grasp the issue of metaphor and Shelley's concept of the potential transformation of common people through the awakening of creativity in a moment of crisis.       Fetzer had some disagreements on certain historical issues and on the nazi nature of the Green movement, but didn't want to waste time nit-picking over his disagreements, and kept firing questions at Billington. He told his audience that the situation could not be more dangerous, and that they should tune in next week to hear another LaRouche spokesman (Harley), and that they should go the LPAC website in the meantime.

"Fetzer strongly supports the LaRouche movement," ....rarely does one get such unequivocal statements.  Mind, one might expect Fetzer to deny it...except he's blog the interview at his own blog:


 Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Michael Billington / Jim Fetzer / Christoff Lehmann

New American Gulag / PressTV / Libya
The interview can be heard at this link:

This is not entirely a surprise.  Fetzer has associated and worked with the sleaziest  Nazi whores promoting the "truth" movement.  But proof of his direct support of known frauds and cultist have been thin.

Fetzer put himself on the radar as more than just a conspiracy kook in the fall out after Tarpley's Kennebunkport warning.   He was almost certainly the person who arranged for the WQ2RX stalking porn videos to be made, that included person information gathered fraudulently mixed with images of sexualized girls, some of whom were preteens.  Ironically it was John Albanese of all people who all but backhandedly confirmed this  when he tried to poo pooed the idea in a private group email exchange, only to be schooled by another participant.

There are archived clips of Fetzer, speaking with Tarpley, and demanding to know who the people were who called out the so called "warning" as a hoax.  Soon after the videos started spawning, some of which very stupidly call for help from Craig "Killtown" Lazo's Portland friends, one a lawyer long overdue for disbarment, another a legal aid who no one has heard from since.  Lazo's friend Andrew Kelly aka Spiney was also a participant, along with the notorious Greg Thomson aka Ozzybinoswald who seems to have made most of the worst videos.

I suppose Fetzer thought he was very clever:
"I'll ask for info on people by radio interview, and when the videos show up no way can anyone think I could ever have anything to do with them being made."
Um, yeah...if they don't have a brain.  Even if Fetzer and his merry band of schmucks managed to convince persons there are "agents" trying to hide the "truth", it's still more likely the people releasing this so called anonymous info are the same scumbags who had scammed them into joining, NOT mysterious government shills.


Let us not forget that Lyndon Larouche is a convicted fraud.   So how fitting that the organization founded by one fraud is exposing another fraud.

There is a very charming fairytale still spread on the James Randi forums(now the International Skeptics whatsit): many posters, bless em,  still cling to the idea Fetzer is somehow a gullible loon who falls for every conspiracy.

On the contrary the evidence overwhelmingly points to Mr. Fetzer being an architect in the creation of these frauds, and ruthlessly recruits front men to hide his part in the con.  His associates include other big name charlatans like Webster Tarpley, Alex Jones,  Kevin Barrett...all who have strong ties to fringe right politics, Nazi apologists and racists.  Fetzer once bragged in an email chain about having a "Portland Contact".  It's obvious that was either Craig Lazo or one of his group, making rumors Fetzer is pretending to not know who Lazo is very, very funny.

Other relevant updates around the same time:  Fetzer's longtime buddy, Kevin Barrett started supporting a racist White Pride candidate, Merlin Miller:


Merlin Miller Interview On American Freedom Radio
American Freedom Radio | Merlin Miller is a guest of Kevin Barrett. Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., is an outspoken 9/11 truth activist, author, and academic. A co-editor of 9/11 and the American Empire Vol. 2: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out (Interlink, 2007), and author of Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (Progressive Press, 2007), he has taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities, African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at colleges and universities in the San Francisco Bay area, Paris, and Madison, Wisconsin. He is a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth http://mujca.com. This show, like his writings, features Dr. Barrett’s all-out struggle for truth spiced with his offbeat sense of humor.

But it get's better.   This year Richard Gage is interviewed  by Barrett, the same day Barrett interviews White Pride Merlin Miller:


Friday, April 3, 2015

LIVE! James Perloff, Merlin Miller & Richard Gage, AIA
Friday 4/3- Listen live - 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: http://www.freedomslips.com/  - click on the "Studio B" button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on http://NoLiesRadio.org  and then archived at the usual spot.
First hour: James Perloff, author of the perennial bestseller Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, comes on to discuss the myths and realities of World War II.

Second hour: Filmmaker and 2012 presidential candidate Merlin Miller joins us to celebrate this week's official launch of the American Eagle Party. (Check out the video.)

Then in the final half hour Richard Gage, AIA of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth discusses the new Resolution, submitted to the American Institute of Architects, to Support a New WTC 7 Investigation. See:

55 Architects Submit Resolution to be Voted on at the AIA National Convention in May!

This interview can be listened to if you  go to this link...but it's password protected:


Protected: James Perloff, Merlin Miller & Richard Gage, AIA _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio
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This is so fucking hilarious.  Years ago the most common tactic to manipulate people conned into "truth" to sharing information was claims of "transparency".   Now the sad gits are too afraid to let people hear them.   As if being interviewed by  Holocaust Denier on the same show with a white power racist isn't enough to sink what's left of Richard Gage's tattered credibility.

(For me it was recruiting a convicted sexual predator.  

 John P. DiNatale - Richard Gage's special friend, stood together at the podium in Time Square on 9/11/13.  They also did an interview outside NBC studios on the same day. Richard has known him for at least a year. But why after a year did Richard not know that John P. DiNatale sexually abused a girl under the age of 14? This is not a rumor - this is not libel - this is the truth. John DiNatale is a registered sex offender, being tried and convicted in two different states.

In 2004 he was convicted in Richmond, NY for 2nd degree Sexual Abuse.
In the same year he was convicted in Middlesex, NJ for aggravated criminal sexual contact.


That was the end of even the "maybe he really believes this shit" excuse.  Hmm...what is it about these creeps and sex/porn/pedophilia?)

Alas the password is nothing obviously part of the White Power code.  It's not "88", for instance.  Sigh...if someone cracks the code, please comment.

EDIT 4/15: Password protection appears to be limited for the first day or so the audio is available.  One can now listen through the embedded player.  I'm not sure why.  The usual reason would to keep it from being shared before editors checked it.  But in this case one can't download the audio anyway, so color me meh. 

Let's end with a short list of liars, frauds, and conartists who to this day  support and/or associate with any of the above:

911 blogger Owners/ Mods:   Keogh, Orangatan, and Vicky are all supporters of Richard Gage and his org.  Keogh and Orangatan are directly involved with the organization.  Therefore they should all be aware of Gage's interview with Barrett.  And DiNatale for that matter.

WTCDemolition.com  webmaster, Gustavo Espada.  Also heavy supporter of Gage and Gage's projects, knows full well his so called "nemesis" Keogh and Orangatan at 911Blogger are involved, making all claims at his website of Keogh and Orangutan being "shills" or whatever a fraud of lies and distraction.  Ditto on the DiNatale point.  Fucks sake, the man's freely inventing lies about "agents" and "shills"...shouldn't be too difficult to notice a real liability.  Like the rest of the frauds, he just doesn't care if pedophiles are part of the great big truther tent.

Espada is also a member of Fetzer's scholar's group, something he's never admitted to while he writes the usual bs about Fetzer being a shill.   [Side note: Espada was also a member of Vicky's group for at least several months, something else he's never admitted to]

Looking back the arrogance of these people is amazing.  They clearly never expected to be caught out.  As it is, just wait long enough and it all comes out in the wash.


Note on American Eagle Party:

Merlin Miller has formed a new party, called the American Eagle Party. Miller had been the 2012 presidential nominee of American Third Position, which later changed its name to the American Freedom Party. Although many leaders of the American Freedom Party have now left it to create the American Eagle Party, the American Freedom Party has not been dissolved.

The American Eagle Party says it stands for (1) ending U.S. involvement in wars around the world; (2) curtailing immigration; (3) reclaiming constitutional rights for citizens; (4) improving the national economy. The Nationalist Times supports the American Eagle Party and has this article about its founding.

The "Nationalist Times"?  Whatever could they be about?  Oh yeah:

Don Wassall became a director on May 4, 2010. Wassall was once the leader of Council of Conservative Citizens chapters in Nevada and Pennsylvania. He has been active in the white supremacist movement for decades, running the American Nationalist Union and its newspaper The Nationalist Times since 1985.

Good comment on not just closet Nazi politics, but how the whole scam gets recycled periodically.  Very applicable to the "truth" movement:

 It’s the same thing they do every time they name change; another attempt to sugar coat it a bit more and paste on another new coat of paint on the same dilapidated structure. It works with a few people for a short time but before too long too many people make the connection, too many nazis and kluckxers join up or get outed, and the cycle repeats.

Apr 2, 2015


It's getting closer to that time when how the truther scam works will be examined in detail.  Until then a solid background about con artists should be offered.   Perhaps I should have blogged this yesterday, but that would be a cheap shot...

One of the questions that linger, even after sorting out the 911 Truth Movement as being a scam, is why.  Why bother?  Obviously people like Ron Paul and Alex Jones have something to gain(money and votes), but how does it explain the involvement of B-list losers who appear to have gained nothing tangible, like Craig "Killtown" Lazo and his sleazy Portland group?  At least three persons Lazo was involved with actively recruited people under pretences.  One still works at a state agency with minimal upward mobility(rumor is she's attempting to blame all her activities on some guy who "led her astray". Please.), another was a legal aid who's vanished from the conspiracy scene, and the last, "casseia", is now regaling anyone who will listen about tales of her supposed long term depression.  Yup, she scammed people all because she was depressed....I don't think so.

These are narcissist gambits to elicit sympathy, the "poor me" pity play.  They reveal a grandiose entitled outlook, with no sense of responsibility for engaging in confidence games, and an emotional immaturity that borders on delusion. The boyfriend made her do it?  Really?  She was so depressed she had no choice but to lie and con people?  No one who has any real influence or credibility is going to buy this.  Unless Jennifer can prove this guy(probably Craig, but it could be Jaye) used some sort of coercion, the "boo, hoo, he made me recruit people and lie about them" is going over like a lead balloon.  Ditto for the, "I had no idea what I was doing, I was depressed and anxious" baloney.

But as tissue thin these fig leaves are to rational people, scammers think they might work because they're basically not so bright adrenaline junkies:

Con artists scam because it gives them infinite pleasure to "put one over" on anyone who stands still long enough.  The compulsion to scam is so strong that a con artist will produce a scam even if he/she gains no money out of it.  Con artists even scam each other!

No truer statement was written!  Even discounting all the play acting "falling outs" "splits" and screaming "agent" at each other, there have been a couple of genuine instances where participants stopped trusting each other.  The split between Paula Gloria and the rest of Craig Lazo's back up band, leading to Nico going his own way, is one.  Though I usually put this sort of thing down to the incompetence of one party and the other party is simply trying to save itself.

Basically, conartists don't think like normal people:

An unusually sick group

 .. impulsive, amoral, uncontrolled and detached from normal
The essential feature of Antisocial Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others ...
This pattern has also been referred to as psychopathy, sociopathy, or dissocial personality disorder...
Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be callous, cynical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others."
Chuck Whitlock, Chuck Whitlock's Scam School, © 1997, macmillan, New York, NY, pages 20, 21; Richard H. Blum, Deceivers and Deceived: Observations on Confidence Men and Their Victims, Informants and Their Quarry, Political and Industrial Spies and Ordinary Citizens, (Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1972), pp 49-50.
Alright, let's put that into ordinary words.

Adrenaline rush

The scammer is compulsive, exactly like a compulsive gambler or compulsive liar.  It is interesting to note that although the scammer is a sharp-witted liar, his gambling skills are such that he usually loses his ill-gotten gains within hours of the take.
Swindlers are irresistibly drawn to scam.  It gives them an adrenaline rush when you are so enthralled with their made-up persona that you quite literally shove your money into their hands.  The scam itself is an ego trip.

And that just about explains everything, including the post scam "Omg I was so depressed I didn't know what I was doing! Also, my boyfriend made me!" excuses.  Any engagement with these sleazebags is just more narcissistic supply, even if the claim to be "really, really, really, sorry about stuff!". 

People who are really sorry, fix what they can with as little melodrama as possible and remove any lies or information they never should have used without expecting a pat on the head.    These excuses and fake apologies are an attempt to stay in contact with and control the mark.  You know you are dealing with a scammer with a Narc ego when breaking off contact makes them go ballistic.

Note, they are not mad at being caught out, or even mad the "friendship"(that was never real) is over.  They're just mad they no longer have control.  And they sure don't feel any remorse or guilt over their actions:

The danger of the missing gene
There is no guilt associated with a scam, not even the slightest twinge.  A con artist is quite simply missing that particular gene.  The con artist has no inbred stops, no conscience.  That's what it means to be a sociopath.  If anything, the con feels justified in taking your money, "You deserved to be taken.  You asked for it."
Why is this dangerous?  Because it means that the con artist will pressure you to the end of your resources, regardless of the pain and grief it causes you.  Neither children, nor the elderly, nor the fragile of health are immune from his attack.  It does not matter to the con that he may be taking your last dime, nor does it matter to him that you may need the promised wealth to pay for a dire need.  This criminal will take your money to the detriment of your health by selling fake cures and false hopes, even knowing that his scam may ultimately cause your death.
The swindler's attitude toward his victim is the same as any serial criminal.

 The last bit is highlighted because the "truthers" scammers recruited people with full knowledge they'd be exposing people to racist, anti-semites and other extremists  without any sort of warning or caution.   

They also were aware that if the person didn't work out, they intended to sell their information down the river to protect the con at all costs.  And if that meant including information gathered fraudulently and using it in videos with underage girls doing what Webfairy calls "sexy dances", then so be it.

No normal person does this or wants to be associated, however tangentially with such activities.

The bottom line is the people who recruit for the 9/11 Truth Movement don't feel any sense of responsibility for conning people into an anti-semite sewer of fraudulent activism. They lie to get people involved because they sincerely believe they have a right to do anything they can get away with.  And that gives them warm fuzzy feelings of control. 

All witting players in the "Truther" con are parasites and vampires to a woman and man.

Let the "buyer" beware.