"Justice for Killtown" was a parody I totally missed back in 2006. It was probably set up by "Gravy" or other friends at JREF and viciously mocked Craig Lazo's insensitive exploitation of Susan Jovin's murder(something else I totally missed at the time). Why Mr. Lazo hasn't gotten around to blaming "Sparks" for this Myspace account, I don't know. Guess we just need to give him time to invent a story.
The account can still be seen at this URL: http://www.myspace.com/killtown911
.. 1. Cyber-stalking 2a. Exploiting tragic murders to prop up my other hobby:..
2b. Pissing on the graves of the innocent victims of 9-11
But the blog is no longer visible except in wayback.
Justice for Killtown's Blog
12:49 PM Axed AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current mood:Just when I was about to release my new video, which is the final nail in the coffin for the 9/11 perps, the ultimate smoking gun, the irrefutable scientific proof of the 9/11 hoax, CIA-run JewTube CENSORED me and DELETED my account, merely because of my "rampant copyright violations".crappy
I'm calling on all true patriots: BOYCOTT YOUTUBE!!!!
- Cara My YouTube account was deleted aswell and no proof of copyright infringement was produced. YouTube is for hacks.4 years ago
I liked your exposure of the Val photo though and can see from your google earth photo that the smoke plume is about a third of a mile in diameter if it were a genuine plane crash. This leaves us with differing eywitness accounts and a single questionable photo as proof of what happened. You got them big time.
t roach hey i was browsing through blogs on the internet built into the Prada phone i got for FREE from this site I agree with what u say in your blog and hey this free prada phone site is still giving out prada phones!5 years ago
My new friend, Mark Roberts: GAY Spy *giggle*
Current mood:One of my friends made a brand new page making fun of my GAY arch-nemesis:giggly
Tee hee hee! It's so brilliant how it pretends he's GAY! Mark must be sooooo embarassed that there's a website making him look GAY! I know I would if someone called me GAY! All the GAY references are really well thought out and clever. It's almost like he really is GAY! Sometimes I almost believe he really is GAY, it's so clever with the GAY stuff!!! Check it out!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
My Suzanne Jovin Myspace axed !!!
Current mood:The memorial site I had set up in memory of Suzanne Jovin to help bring back awareness to her unsolved brutal murder just got axed by MySpace.angry
The JFUCKs had gone ballistic when they heard I had site up a memorial/investigation site at MySpace to bring back awareness for this poor girl who was brutally stabbed 17 times in which her killer was never found. They wanted so desperately for MySpace to take it down so Suzanne's unsolved murder would go back in the memory hole and they finally got there wish today. So now they can all sleep well knowing that the only memorial/investigation site on the internet to help bring awareness to her unsolved brutal murder got axed. I'm sure her killer is very happy about this too.
Read more on my blog.
But don't despair, dear friends of Killtown, I will find other victims to take advantage of to further my 9/11-notorietyresearch.
1:35 PM
My shocking new video!!!
Current mood:I've been trying to understand why I've been losing respect and relevance among my fellow Truthers, and I finally figured it out...I don't have anything on YouTube! Duh! The Pilots for Truth did it, and look at them! Lyte Trip and Merc are coming out with one, and according to them it's going to make them famous! So I'm embarking on my new career as an artist. This is just a preview. Don't worry, I'll continue my research and harassment, I just need to take a moment to present my argument in a scientific format: video. I'm feeling very inspired, and I'm already considering some follow-ups to this one. What title do you like better: "Val McClatchey: Plume with a View" or "The Lying Bitch of Shanksville"???artistic
In the meantime, enjoy this preview of..."Hoodwinked in Shanksville":
From a later feed there seems to be one more entry dated in Jan 2010, the same month Nico Haupt outed Mr. Lazo, but the actual blog was lost to the memory hole:
Latest Blog Entries
- Jan 26, 2010 5:58 PM I exploit a dead girl - permanent Suzanne Jovin entry
- Mar 12, 2007 12:49 PM Axed AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mar 2, 2007 6:33 PM My new friend, Mark Roberts: GAY Spy *giggle*
- Feb 23, 2007 1:35 PM My Suzanne Jovin Myspace axed !!!
- Feb 13, 2007 3:13 PM My shocking new video!!!
On a more serious note, Craig Lazo's exploitation of Jovin murder isn't just insensitive, it's misguided: Jovin was killed on December 4, 1998, THREE YEARS BEFORE THE 911 ATTACKS.
In "Killtown"s own words:
The Real Motive?So with no student/teacher love affair gone array, no real evidence this was some kind of senseless random act of violence, and no other real motives raised by police or the press, there seems to be only one motive left that has been greatly overlooked, the subject of Suzanne's senior thesis and one of Van de Velde's area of expertise:
So, according to KT, a college student is murdered over a thesis on Bin Laden because somehow Velde knows Osama is going to attack the US three years later, and Velde is part of the conspiracy to let it happen so Bush, who isn't even reelected yet, can go to war.Osama Bin Laden
Also Kt Lazo is contradicting himself, since he's part of a group that doesn't even believe Osama was involved in the 911 attacks at all.
I would say the Susan Jovin episode was the thing that sunk Lazo's credibility. But then there's Satan's face/numbers in the smoke. Really:
2:04:This is from a video that has since been made private: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHTlJee-xRY, but JREF users seem confident it was made by Craig Lazo. It's very likely seeing his 911review page refers to the same face:
KT points out the demon faces, but it is really a stretch to see them, and they were recorded by other shots.
In a trading-card game called "Illuminati: New World Order" (INWO), a number of the playing cards predict some of the exact same events of 9/11, such as the explosions at the Pentagon and WTC and smoke rising from the Twin Towers with a demon face.
Even numbers aren't safe, as Lazo insists they're in the smoke too:
Image can still be seen here:
This along with his "Frozen Fireball" has long convinced me Craig Lazo, like most of the 911 conspiracy veterans, is a con artist who knows he's just making rubbish up. Neither he, nor his fan club/supporters believe this garbage.
And by the same token, they knew all the speculation around Jovin's death was a pack of self serving exploitative lies.
It won't end well.
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