Mar 12, 2019

Craig "Killtown" Lazo's ex-girlfriend finally meets Karma

...And you know what the say about "Karma".  Let's just say it's unlikely they'll become bosom pals....

Sometime late last year the Oregonian did an article on state employees being paid a ridiculous amount of money to not do their job, while spending an equally ridiculous amount of time spreading conspiracies on social media:

 Jennifer Wynhausen walked into Pioneer Courthouse Square with a message emblazoned on her black t-shirt: “9/11 is a (expletive) lie.”

Ah, yes, the T-shirt.  The same one JW submitted to the Holocaust denying website nogw, IIRC. 

Despite her controversial and outspoken stances on what she perceives as federal government conspiracies and lies, leaders at Oregon’s Department of Human Services have entrusted her for years to carry out a vital role of government transparency. She coordinates reviews of child abuse deaths.
There are not enough facepalms in the world.  Firstly, this lying conspiracy hoor cannot logically believe in the existence of government conspiracies(at least she can't believe she's a target of them) because SHE WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT.  Secondly...well, there is no secondly, because that's it.  She doesn't believe in this garbage.  OR she's completely out of touch with reality.
 But maybe she's actually doing something useful for humanity...

A story published Sunday by The Oregonian/OregonLive exposed the department’s delays, omissions and failures to comply with state law since March 2017. The department continues to withhold at least two child fatality reports from the public.
Wynhausen has coordinated the fatality reviews since at least November 2014. She was no longer listed as coordinator in a September 2018 organizational chart. A department spokeswoman said Wynhausen’s new job title was erroneous, but did not specify why or say when, if ever, Wynhausen stopped coordinating fatality reviews.

The question should be, did she ever start?  As in, did she ever do this job, as in actually work, like a normal, non entitled, non racist white woman?  the more one reads, JW career has all the markers of Affirmative Action/Welfare For Lazy White Racist Libertarians.   JW is paid in excess of 80K a year to not investigate child deaths.  Meanwhile, she's bitching on social media about the Messicans not paying taxes:

In response to a story about the economic impact of immigration in September 2010, she wrote, “If they are earning so much money, buying homes, etc, they should be paying taxes!!”

As I have recently reminded JW's moronic ex boyfriend, in my ample(as in excess of several gigabytes) archives of JW's sleazy conspiracy group, I'm sure there must be some screen captures/saved pages from Lazo's old forum of her praising Russo's "From Freedom to Fascism", a film that at it's core claims income tax is illegal "tyranny".   So this is an interesting change in perspective.

It's as if Wynhausen has no real principles or beliefs, but is willing to flog any anti-government, racist idea to promote her reactionary, gun humping, Tea Bagger agenda. 

The really sick thing is she's still exploiting a man who only got involved with 9/11 conspiracy theories because he genuinely believed the surviving widows were being treated unfairly.  Unfortunately, like many good hearted souls preyed on by conmen (and conwomen) he is unable to see he's being played.  Oh, and failed peace activist Cindy Sheehan, becoming problematic in 2005, then outright loony, last see blaming Israel for her son's death, makes an appearance:

“I’m totally going to steal these pictures,” Wynhausen wrote in a public comment under the photos. “I got to meet two amazing people!!”

Who knows where those pics might end up....

From comments:

Bad Judgement:

Doesn't trust the gubmint, but sure loves that gubbmint pay check:

There are many more good ones: commenting on JW mental instability, disconnection from reality, etc.  Even someone wailing on Faceplace that she might "lose her job!"   They clearly underestimate the power of a White Racist's Alligator Tears of Woe.  Its an act JW is adept at, explaining the baffling fact she's being paid 90+K to perform a job she's clearly not qualified for.

But the most clueless comment comes from someone completely snowblinded by JW act of a poor hapless innocent, being unfairly treated:

"Sham on Molly for attacking one of the most ethical and hardworking DHS employees..."

Oh dear.   This one really did fall off the Turnip Truck.  Let's share examples of JW's "most ethical" behavior:

Spreading lies about Val McClatchey faking the photo she took on 9/11:

At Loose Change Forums:

How has Killtown harassed her?

AGAIN, how is she being harassed? Should we stop harassing people like Larry Silverstein?

Clearly this photo is falsified, which at the very least indicates that she was complicit in a crime. So, I would expect her to be involved in the cover up of that crime, so how is that harassment? Is it harassment, questioning whether or not the photo is real? Or is questioning her motives, financial or otherwise harassment? This woman has clearly profited off of 911. Look at the skank, the evolution of her appearance...

 Stop harassing Silverstein, are you serious?

I read what Killtown wrote about the photo, actually read it. That's what people do when they are genuinely interested in learning or uncovering the truth, they read all of the information and make an objective decision on what is plausible and what is not. It seems possible to me that the photo is altered, perhaps not by "Stooge," herself, rather by the FBI. Why would 3 FBI agents show up at her house within a half an hour, confiscate her camera and her memory card? I thought they had also taken her hard drive as well.

Thanks for the links. I see how Mrs. McClatchey talks about being harassed, however I have yet to see where Killtown found her private, personal information and published it for every conspiracy theorist to start harassing her. I have seen where she, herself, posts her personal information in order to for people to order copies of "The End of Serenity."

(This is interesting because it seems to show Wynhausen does know the difference between personal information volunteered without coercion or fraud, and information acquired by deception and fraud.  Just something to note.  Also, while Lazo may not have fraudulently acquired Val's info, he did encourage his online goons to harass her.)

At International Skeptics Forum:

Xena the Worrisome Internet Stalker

 You are "not a researcher but an activist"??? This means you just follow your boyfriends blindly into troofdom?

Pretty much.

And that's not including sleazier activities like turning a blind eye to JW's Canadian friend "Ozzybinoswald" who was remixing conspiracy propaganda videos with creepy images of under-aged girls and stalking a man's autistic children....

Yes.... Many Ethic.  Much moral.

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