Dec 30, 2015

Three Stooges: Fetzer, Trump and Barrett

At Skeptics forum William Seger starts a thread about Fetzer and Barrett's latest "fall out".
I don't have time to detail all their previous "disagreements" and "fall outs", but I certainly hope people posting thing like this are being ironic:

Classic! Is there anything that has more entertainment value that either one of these two clowns? Fetzer/Barrett...its like Truther Kindergarten, a couple of 5 year olds yelling "Oh, yeah??" at each other. Wait...a couple of 5 year olds would show more maturity.
Because anyone familiar with these frauds history know this is a con.

Seger writes:

 Their last archived show together was on December 10, with Barrett (a Muslim) reporting from Paris where he was attending a "False Flag Islamophobia Conference" (which he says is a protest to another Islamophobia conference that had rejected his paper on "False Flags and Islamophobia"). Barrett talks about Donald Trump "saying Muslims shouldn't be allowed into the United States. That means, I guess, I'd have to stay here in Paris. I couldn't get back in. I'm gonna have to ask Jim Fetzer to explain what's going on with Donald Trump," It turns out, Fetzer is down with that plan, so things heat up. Then something triggers Fetzer into attacking Barrett for being homophobic and Barrett counters by calling Fetzer a "bombastic loudmouth *******." They managed to finish the show, but apparently continued the discussion later...

Highlighted text is a strong clue this is just another 'Sode in a long line of fake fights, falling outs and branding games frauds like Fetzer, Craig Lazo (killtown), and Barrett play to keep the rubes confused.   It started with the Scholars "split" and hasn't stopped in almost 10 years.

You're welcome.

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