May 31, 2015

Cointelpro, Wikileaks and 911truth, or 'Why We Know There Are No Agents'

To many it seems obvious the claims of "cointelpro agents" or CIA agents sent to disrupt or stop the "truth from coming out is paranoid conspiracy nonsense, along with "concerns" about the New World Order Illuminati Jews being behind everything.

But if the introduction to a group or email list was based on something much more reasonable--social justice work, peace activism, protesting the war in Iraq-- the idea of is not impossible, though one is unlikely to take it too seriously, at least at first.

The problem is, in the history of real activism, there were government programs funded to infiltrate, and in some cases disrupt, legitimate activist groups.  The American Indian and the civil rights movements are a couple of cases.  The Cointelpro program is a documented example.  The motives were a mix of institutional reactionary conservatism and genuine cultural suspicions of radical new movements, never mind their goals were social justice.  To get an idea of the mentality behind infiltrating peace groups, imagine that most people employed in powerful government positions were Tea Partiers.  There wouldn't be a "Tea Party" because they'd be running the show  and want to keep it that way

Fast forward to today.   The institutional conservatism of yesteryear has crumbled.  Dinosaurs from the pre-civil rights past can no longer depend on being humoured except in the most backward of states.   Even the GOP has all but abandoned the gay rights/marriage "values" battle as not being worth the fight.  But there remains a sizeable population who feels aggrieved, as if recognizing other peoples human rights somehow takes away theirs.   And while these people have no political pull outside of reactionary circles, they do have cash that can be flimflammed out of them by promises to return to the "Good Old Days". 

This a political fraud Ron Paul became quite expert at, though he's not the only one.  It has several necessary parts:

1. Scapegoatism.  It almost doesn't matter who the scapegoat starts out as.  Eventually it will be revealed to be "Jews".

2. Appeal to Authority:  claiming to be expert, experienced, in possession of special knowledge.  Which Leads to.

3: Persecution complex  : the reason this knowledge is not well known is because of "distruptors" or "agents" trying to muddle the waters with "disinfo".  Eventually the following question will be asked:

4: Why have "they" not killed off the keeper of secrets? The frauds are still working on this one.   Usually once someone starts asking this question, whether a skeptic or a believer who is having doubts, the person's criticisms are written off as the ravings of an "agent"  out to suppress the truth.

This is a self contained loop.  All problems the believer has are due to a "scapegoat", the "authority" has secret information they dispense that no one knows because they are persecuted by the "scapegoat".  Never mind the all powerful scapegoat makes no move to kill or disrupt the "authoritys" life, or, at the very least, have their websites removed.  Which would be really easy for  "government funded agent" to do.  One fabricated claim of Child Pornography on the servers would do the trick.  

This illogic loop keeps people engaged as increasingly more alarming stories of police state repression, often taken out of context (if not outright lies), that are spread to keep the faith.  Religious terminology is being used deliberately, because claims of waking up sheeple to the contrary, the last thing the people benefiting from the truther fraud want is anyone thinking level headed about the issue.

The depressing fact is most people sucked into the conspiracy hoodoo circles take claims of "agents" at face value.  As it is not a default assumption of mine, I have never understood it.  My experience is when people start claiming there are agents etc and they are asked to further explain themselves, or God help them, for proof, things get very very woolly.   If one is approaching 9/11 "truth" from a  historical antiwar perspective, the idea of an agent isn't completely improbable.  But it's also not going to inspire instant paranoia.  On the contrary, if one has no reason to believe they're involved with anything illegal, the idea of catching an agent screwing with my constitutional rights is like Christmas coming early.    It's just a matter of catching them at it.

But it's a long, long road to even taking the idea seriously.  It requires layers of confidence games that are nonsensical at the time, but have one purpose: to convince the few stubborn people "agents" are at work disrupting "truther" activism.  

For instance, one party may send a gushing email  thanking the target for "everything they do".  They hope the target engages, shares more information, which is passed on to other members of the con, members the target is either unaware of or has been given to believe the contact disapproves of.  Weeks or months pass.  If the target remains stubborn or becomes problematic in other ways, this information is leaked "anonymously".  Sometimes even the party who had complimented the target abruptly and publicly switches sides.  Others will say pompously: "See, told ya there were agents!"  (Years later all these people will be exposed as working the same con because eventually te piss off the wrong people.  But that's another story.)

This works with disturbing regularity.  The first assumption should not be of agents, but of a con.  Because it doesn't matter if the person is an agent or not;  contacting people under false pretences to manipulate them is fraud.  And fraud...and conspiracy to commit fraud, and using ISP/emails for malicious communications... are all actual crimes.  As Lazo's associate Mark Fisher found out.

And this is why it is my personal belief the Myth of "Agents" in the truth movement is protected at all costs: once it's obvious the so called "agent" activity is a fraud, it will be impossible to control or protect what is left of the "truther" movement.  

But even knowing how absurd and unlikely "agents" are, it is still useful to once and for all put the matter at rest:  The reason we know---not suspect, but know-- there are no Cointepro/CIA agents active to disrupt 9/11 truth is because the very merchants of these conspiracies were customers of the CIA affiliate STRATFOR.

In late 2011- early 2012, Wikileaks with Anonymous leaked the customer list of STRATFOR, a private intelligence firm that did work for the CIA.  The lists included names, email addresses and credit card numbers.  STRATFOR denied they had a security breach, but it was all posted at the Dazzlepod site, where anyone could look up their information.

In the last year it was deleted but one can find the home page in wayback.

cleartext passwords

On December 25, 2011, the Anonymous group hacked into a private intelligence agency, Strategic Forecasting Inc. or STRATFOR, based in Austin, Texas. The attack began with the release of STRATFOR's client list announced at!/AnonymousIRC/status/150679351589998593 followed by release of accounts in batches believed to belong to STRATFOR's customers. The release announced in another Twitter post at!/AnonymousIRC/status/150985258999885824 includes emails, passwords (hashed with MD5), home/office addresses and credit card information (full 16-digit number, expiry date and CVV number). The table below is the list of the leaked accounts with the passwords removed.

STRATFOR has brought down their site following the attack but kept their members posted on the status of the attack via their Facebook page.

UPDATE (January 2, 2012): We have processed all 860,000 STRATFOR's registered users and added them into the table below. These users do not have their credit card information leaked. The earlier accounts with credit card information leaked are now tagged with "cc" in the table below.

This disclosure was mentioned in PCWorld, Forbes, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News and TheBlaze.

UPDATE (December 30, 2011): The Anonymous group has just released the remaining accounts making the total of leaked STRATFOR's accounts with credit card information to a total of approx. 75,000. The table below has been updated to include these accounts. Additionally, login information for approx. 860,000 STRATFOR's registered users have been leaked as well but they don't include credit card information; we may update the table below to include these users later.

At the time, for people who still thought there was something to "trutherism" this was exciting news.  Immediately the trusting and naive started looking for evidence on Wikileaks of an "inside job".  They came up with nothing and slowly decided Wikileaks was "controlled opposition".   For instance, this article implies STRATFOR was "concerned":

Wikileaks email dump shows Stratfor’s Burton concerned about skepticism concerning Osama narrative
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The deluge of emails released a result of the recent Wikileaks data dump includes a brief note from Stratfor’s vice president for intelligence Fred Burton in which he urges the U.S. government to show photos of Osama Bin Laden’s corpse in order to silence “lunatics like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck” who had questioned the government’s official narrative behind the death of the terror mastermind....

This was eyerollingly predictable and strained, even to people who still bought "truthersim".  There are only so many times one can claim "cointelpro/controlled opposition/disinfo" before it's a clear mantra to explain away inconvenient facts.  Could it be the reason there was no evidence of an "Inside Job" is that there was no "Inside Job"?

That by itself would be disappointing in the sense of wasting time on something that wasn't real.  But even more troubling was that at least two conspiracy websites that pushed the 911 truth movement, Before it's News and Infowars, knew it wasn't real.  Or at least knew they weren't targets of the CIA or any affiliated agency action.  Because both these websites were STRATFOR customers and listed on dazzlepod...under identifiable email addresses:

ID Email / Username Password


It doesn't take much imagination to conceive an activist of any stripe signing up for STRATFOR services to see "what they're up to".  But anyone doing so under their real name and identifiable email address is LYING about being targeted by the CIA or any related intelligence firm.
Yet here are some stories from both sites claiming concern about "agents" and "inflitration".
Zionist agents infiltrating  the Truth Movement
Paranoid garbage about the CIA infiltrating alternative media
Yet oddly considering the CIA a valid source for more conspiracy nonsense

Infowars is just as colorful:

CIA Killed Phillip Marshall for Leaking 9/11 Secrets

and article apparently written by White Power booster Kevin Barrett.

Infowars and Before its News aren't the only ones.  Craig "Killtown" Lazo's Portland group and associates had a ridiculously high percentage of STRATFOR customers, including a woman who was part of a radical radio station who had promoted group events:

Gregory Thomson aka Ozzybinoswald, close friend of Lazo and inventor of conspiracy garbage like Mark Humphrey being the Harley Guy and repeating smoke "fakery".  Ozzy really really wants you to believe "agents" perps and shills exist.

152542 ***

Petros Evdokas, caught having a bizarre convo with Lazo on the Cyprus Indymedia email list.  Really, really wants you to believe he was targeted by the CIA...for reasons.  Was also confronted on Indymedia lists for misrepresenting himself and his circumstances.  In other words, he's a fraud.  Daddy Evdokas was a right wing politician:
 The Democratic National Party (Greek: Δημοκρατικό Εθνικό Κόμμα, ΔΕΚ, DEK), was a far-right nationalist political party in Cyprus that advocates union of Cyprus and Greece (Enosis).[1]

This might explain Evdokas' friendship with White Supremacist supporter Kevin Barrett.  Both Evdokas are in the STRATFOR database, but only as persons of political interest. 


Neither of them have been "oppressed".

ID Email / Username Password
408068 ***

JT Waldron: Conspiracy hack who joined Craig Lazo's Portland truther group(s) in 2010, 2011(?).  Website plays the just asking questions game, while comments are frequently and virulently anti semetic. Really, really wants you to believe the CIA threatened 9/11 researchers.

ID Email / Username Password
748320 ***

Theresa Mitchell, aka Presswatch, an associate and booster for Craig Lazo's Portland group.   She's a "reporter" for an alternative(read, crank) radio station called KBOO that started off as genuine alternative media but has fallen victim to cronyism and Tea Party-esque conspiracy woo.  Has several programs endorsing 911 truth and/or bemoaning the suppression of the "truth".  Really, really wants you to believe Right Wing false flag hysteria and in "Cognitive Infiltration".  Soon after the 9/11 attacks Mitchell expressed concern about CIA activities:
For those of you who feel up to an anarcho-syndicalist and historically critical view of current events, stay tuned for the sort of dissent that is tacitly banned from the corporate-owned media. My surprise at the attacks did not stem from the assumption that they would never occurñI was merely shocked, as everyone was, by the sudden and terrifying loss of life. Given the simplicity of the attack, and the gravity of US provocations around the world for decades, it is remarkable that there have been so few major acts of violence on US soil. In the wake of the US destruction of democracy in Iran in 1954, for example, the CIA set up torture dungeons to aid the rule of the US puppet, the Shah. Here I use the word ìtorture dungeonî in a specific sense; the world saw, after the fall of the Shahís regime, that underground prisons had been constructed, in which dissidents were tortured using information passed along by the CIA.
Apparently her misgivings didn't extend to subscriptions with CIA associates.

ID Email / Username Password
224882 ***

Other STRATFOR subscribers involved with conspiracy circles include members of Lew Rockwell's Von Mises institute, and the Larouche fraud Webster Tarpley(See also Kennebunkport Hoax):

590746 ***

676964 ***

Most of these people have claimed at one time or another to be targets of the CIA/COINTELPRO/Agents  and yet they somehow didn't have the foresight to use a burner email account when registering with a business affiliate of the CIA.

From the Mises website( and are owned by the same group):

The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies - Mises Community Archive ...
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Oct 18, 2012 - 33 posts - ‎14 authors
The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies ... This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down ...
This is a redirect to this posting.  Maybe the person posted it really believed it, but clearly the people running Mises don't. 

And neither does Webster Tarpley.  He's got one article about "How to identify a CIA limited Hanghout".  But the most priceless one is accusing Wikileaks of being Cognitive Infiltration.  I'd suspect this was revenge for the Anonymous STRATFOR leak, except this article was published 9 months too soon.  In any case, the most suspicious omission from Tarpley's website is any mention of STRATFOR  after the customer email list was leaked. 

Any real activist who knew about STRATFOR would know the business they were in and take a basic precaution of using a fake email.   The fact none of these people used a burner account indicates they all KNEW the conspiracy of 911 and their persecution by or concern about agents was a lie.

The anticipated fall-back position will be :  "That proves THEY are the agents!  Duh!"

Hmm, no.  A real agent would use separate emails to communicate with an "agency" and the people they were "disrupting".   To not do so would get them fired.  These people are reckless amateurs, displaying the usual arrogance of Libertarian/patriot conspiracy frauds thinking they'd never be caught.  You'd think they'd learn after the nth time Anonymous/antifa/ara leaked their emails...

So why did they subscribe to STRATFOR's services?  One probable reason is if you're trying to dupe people into believing a worldwide conspiracy and you claim to have special knowledge, it's really helpful if you do have some privy information to impress the rubes.    Someone with that type of access could hot read rubes all day long.  Who knows, maybe that's how Alex Jones made his fortune.
The point is , by using identifiable emails to subscribe to a CIA affiliated service, these people prove they know they are NOT targets of the CIA.   Therefore their claims of agents/disruptors are lies.   Since this is their basis of proof that a 911 "Inside Job" truth is being suppressed, one can also conclude, since they know these agents don't exist, there is no 9/11 conspiracy for any agents to suppress.

This may seem backwards from the obvious observation outside the conspiracy culture: that there are no agents because there is no conspiracy, but remember it's these individuals who worked overtime, with a variety of confidence games, to convince people "agents were out there".     By subscribing to services with STRATFOR,  a corporation who works closely with the CIA, they showed they never believed in agents or the conspiracy except as a means to defraud people.

The reason there are no agents is because "Trutherism" is a fraud and there is nothing to "suppress".  And the leaders who invented the truther theories knew it. I patiently await the day they all end up in federal prison. It wouldn't be the first time for some of these political frauds.

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